A Daughter's Perfect Secret

A Daughter's Perfect Secret by Kimberly Van Meter Page A

Book: A Daughter's Perfect Secret by Kimberly Van Meter Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kimberly Van Meter
Tags: Suspense
to tell you what that entails. I’ve long since forgotten what it’s like to have spare time, and frankly, I’m more comfortable being busy.”
    “A man after my own heart,” Virgil said, smiling. “I know how you feel. Just doesn’t seem natural to sit on your hands and do nothing when you’ve got talents to share and lives to change. You’re a good man, Rafe Black. Cold Plains is lucky to have someone of your character.”
    Rafe offered Virgil a sidewise grin. “I wouldn’t go that far, but I do want to help. Can you use my services?”
    “Of course,” Virgil answered, yet there was hesitation in his voice. Rafe waited, not wanting to appear suspiciously eager. “Here’s the situation.... Mr. Grayson has a personal stake in the running of this facility and all hiring of personnel and volunteers are passed by him first. What kind of relationship do you have with Mr. Grayson?”
    Rafe made a point to appear nonplussed. “I think we’re on good terms. Never had a negative run-in, if that’s what you’re asking.”
    “Good. Then I’ll schedule a sit-down with you two, and if he gives you the green light, I’d be thrilled to have you on board. We could really use some help in the maternity ward. I know you don’t specialize in obstetrics, but as a volunteer, you would be working under the direction of the staff OB doctor. That sound okay with you?”
    Rafe couldn’t have found a more perfect fit for his purposes. He smothered the grin he felt building. “I’d be happy to fill in wherever there’s a need,” he offered.
    He was rewarded with a big smile from Virgil. “That’s an excellent attitude, son. I think you’re going to be just fine around here. I’ll call when Mr. Grayson has an opening. And between you and me, expect a call sooner rather than later, so please have a schedule you can commit to ready for presentation to Mr. Grayson.”
    Rafe stood and shook Virgil’s hand again. “You bet. I’ll await your call.”
    As Rafe left the room, he caught Virgil picking up the phone. He suspected he’d be meeting with Mr. Grayson by tomorrow.
    Darcy may have embellished a little on her needle phobia. It was true each time she saw a needle she cringed inwardly because of what she’d seen her mother go through, but her reluctance to get the tests done had more to do with Samuel Grayson than some phobia. She couldn’t see herself allowing anyone associated with Samuel Grayson taking her DNA, because if cross matched, half would line up with Samuel himself. She imagined that wouldn’t go over very well. There’d be no hiding in plain sight after that.
    She crossed to the library and slipped inside but not before attracting the attention of someone else who followed her into the building.
    The library seemed a good place to start to look into the past history of Cold Plains. She figured there had to be something that drew Samuel here, and she wanted to know what it was. Maybe if she knew the why, she’d gain some insight into his personality or what drove him.
    Darcy went straight to the archives where the newspapers were kept on microfiche. It took her a moment to remember how to work the archaic machine, but thankfully, her college experiences, library trolling for several professors who didn’t believe in the internet, came in handy.
    She went back five years, flipped through issue upon issue of small-town ordinary stuff from recitals to bake sales, but when she went back further, she stumbled upon a notable difference.
    “Looking for anything in particular?” A voice beside her caused her to jump and nearly fall from the stool. An officer, blond and attractive, helped her regain her seat, a look of concern on his handsome face. “Sorry about that. I didn’t mean to startle you. I’ll have to watch my stealth skills,” he said with a slight tilt of his mouth, which was borderline flirty. “Officer Ford McCall at your service.”
    Darcy smiled back, not quite sure what to think

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