A Hero to Dance With Me

A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Page A

Book: A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marteeka Karland
Tags: Romance
before she did, so he kept the phone to his ear even as he drove the short distance to the hospital. Central Baptist Hospital was one of the best places in the state for babies. They did their best to make the experience of giving birth as pleasant as possible. Unfortunately, they’d never met anyone quite as...lively...as Jezelle. She didn’t quit berating him the entire way there, relaying the entire story of their rocky meeting for anyone and everyone in the room. And the hallway. And the entire floor. By the time Steve ran through the door—walking just wasn’t even an option—she’d managed to tell everyone what a sorry, no-good, rotten scoundrel he was. Not that he gave a damn--he was still grinning like a loon.
    Breathing hard, he asked with a cheery smile, “Did I miss anything?”
    “Imma beat the living shit outta you when I get outta this bed, mister,” Elle said through gritted teeth. “Where the hell have you been? And don’t give me any bullshit about not knowing. You’re supposed to know these things without me telling you! Aren’t you the father of my child?” She started to cry then. “Don’t you care about me at all?”
    “Aw, baby, you know I--”
    “Then stop acting like an ass and get over here and hold my fucking hand!” The tears dried instantly.
    He winced as a clergyman stuck his head in the door, opened his mouth to say something, thought better of it, and slowly backed out again. Oh, well. Steve supposed even the Chosen had their limits. Apparently a pint-sized, dark-skinned dancer in the grip of what looked to be a very hard labor currently spanking the big bad SEAL was this one’s. Steve couldn’t blame him. Not many would brave those waters. But he was a SEAL. And this was his woman. Not only would he brave them, he’d secretly take out his phone, record her rantings, and hold them over her head later. Like any other self-respecting husband would do.
    “Steve Carver.” His mother entered with her most stern expression. “Were you late to your own child’s birth?”
    “Uh, no, Mama. I made it just in time. “
    “I had to wait on him for over three hours!” Jezelle cried. “I waited and waited and he never showed up! Vivian, I had to call him to get him over here!”
    “Right.” Steve rolled his eyes, winking at his mother. “Like I’m supposed to just magically know the baby was coming four weeks early.”
    “She’s absolutely right, Steve,” his mother said, looking down her nose at him. “What kind of man doesn’t know when his woman goes into labor early? You should be ashamed.”
    “Damned straight,” Elle sniffled. She still looked like she could happily throttle him, but at least she didn’t look murderous anymore. For now. Leave it to his mother to fix things yet again.
    “Are you still in pain, Miss Temple?” The nurse checked the monitor, then lay a washcloth on Elle’s forehead. “Sometimes the epidural doesn’t take evenly. Do you hurt on one side more than the other?”
    “No. My legs feel like they have on a big fuzzy set of sweatpants and I can’t move them though. I’m cold.”
    “Any ringing in your ears? Does your head feel funny?”
    “No.” She gripped Steve’s hand like a vise. If she wasn’t in pain, she was probably terrified. “I just need…” She trailed off, her gaze going to Steve’s. He smiled at her, squeezing her hand. “…a-a blanket,” she finished.
    “Of course.” The nurse smiled. “I’ll be right back.” She looked at Steve and Vivian. “If you need anything, don’t hesitate to let any of us know.”
    Jezelle was quiet for long moments. Steve simply held her hand, kissing her knuckles tenderly. There were questions, things he wanted to ask, but he didn’t dare break the silence lest she lose her mind again. At any other time, he’d have enjoyed goading her, but he knew she was a combination of hormones, pain, and anxiety right now.
    “Steve,” she said in a quiet voice. He had to

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