A Hero to Dance With Me

A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Page B

Book: A Hero to Dance With Me by Marteeka Karland Read Free Book Online
Authors: Marteeka Karland
Tags: Romance
lean in to hear her speak. He stroked her hair tenderly, watching for signs it irritated her more than soothed her.
    “What is it, sweetheart?”
    “I don’t want my baby to come into the world without her parents being married.” She looked up at him, her eyes swimming and wide with anxiety. “Can we get married now?”
    He almost laughed out loud. Thankfully, he’d known this was coming. Granted, this wasn’t the best place or time, but he couldn’t give two shits. What his woman wanted, his woman got.
    “I’ve got the marriage license right here,” he said, patting his jacket pocket. “I had a feeling you might want it that way.”
    She gave him a watery smile. “You’re such a good man.”
    “I thought I was a no-good scoundrel?” he teased, brushing a tear away from her cheek tenderly.
    Her eyes widened. “Who said that?” She tried to sit up, but he kept her down with one hand on her shoulder.
    Steve winked at his mother. “Just this nasty rumor going around. Do you seriously want me to get the staff minister? I’m sure he’d be happy to do whatever you want.”
    Elle nodded vigorously. “Please.” Her eyes widened as the monitor spiked. Her head snapped to the side, obviously trying to get a glimpse of the machine. “Oh, God,” she whispered.
    With a strained cry, she sat up partially in the bed, straining for all she was worth. Steve’s eyes widened. Oh, hell no.
    “I’ll get the nurse,” Vivian said. “You stay here, Steve. I’ll take care of everything.”
    “Steve, I need to marry you nooowwwwww! ”
    “Oh, dear,” the nurse said as she hurried into the room. She soothed Jezelle as best she could before checking her. “Okay, you need to do your best to relax. Don’t push. One of the other nurses is getting the doctor and I think your mother-in-law is getting the minister. Everything will be all right. Just don’t push again until the doctor gets here.”
    “How the hell am I not supposed to puuuuuuuuush! ” Elle screamed as another strong contraction hit her despite the epidural.
    “Can you give her another dose of the medicine in the epidural?” Steve asked quietly, letting her grip his hand as hard as she needed to. Sweat beaded her upper lip and forehead. Steve used a wet cloth to dab at the moisture.
    “No. Dr. Watson likes his patients to feel the urge to push in order to ease the birthing process. It will be easier if her body tells her what to do instead of a monitor.”
    Steve kissed her hand, trying to take his cues from her as to what she wanted him to do. The last thing he wanted to do was cause her more distress.
    When Dr. Watson entered, he smiled. “Jane says you’re ready to have this baby, Miss Temple.”
    “I need the minister first,” she bit out between breaths. “I’ve got to marry Steve before the baby gets here.” Her eyes were large, wild looking. She was obviously beginning to panic.
    The doctor checked her then said, “Well, unless he gets here quickly, you’ll have to do it afterward. Your baby’s crowning.”
    “ Nooooooo! Make it stop!” Elle turned wide eyes to Steve, pleading with him. “Steve, please help me!”
    “Baby, it’ll be okay. I swear to you, everything will be fine. Just do what the doctor tells you and get the baby here. Everything else will take care of itself.”
    Instantly, her demeanor and expression changed. “I said get the goddamned minister! Now! ”
    “Yes, dear,” he replied, glancing at the doc. “I’ll be right--”
    “Don’t you dare leave me!” she yelled.
    “But how am I supposed--”
    “I don’t care! Just get him! But if you let go of my hand--”
    “There, there, dear.” Thankfully, Vivian entered the room, chaplain in tow. Steve had never been so glad to see his mother. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he knew he was trying to compensate for his own anxiety with humor, but seeing Elle so out of sorts was starting to affect him. The last thing he needed to happen was to get kicked out

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