A Hunters Promise

A Hunters Promise by Gwendolyn Cease

Book: A Hunters Promise by Gwendolyn Cease Read Free Book Online
Authors: Gwendolyn Cease
Tags: Romance
his lips to hers. It was the second time he’d kissed her, and it was so much more than a peck. His lips were soft and he rubbed them gently against her own. But Aislinn wanted more, so she pushed up into his mouth, sealing her lips more firmly against his own.
    She wasn’t sure what she was doing, but Charon obviously knew. His tongue eased against her lips, and when she opened her mouth, he slid in. The sensation of his tongue swirling around her own brought shivers. He tasted dark and mysterious. She liked it, liked it a lot. When he eased his tongue out, she chased it with her own. He growled and sucked at her tongue, which caused her toes to curl.
    He slid away from her. Aislinn realized she’d wrapped her arms around his neck, but he didn’t try to get away. In fact, it made her feel better to know his breathing was as ragged as her own. Apparently, whatever was going on affected him, too.
    “Let’s go back to our room,” he murmured. “I certainly don’t want anyone walking in on us.”
    “That would suck.”
    “Yeah, it would since I’d have to kill them.” He gave a small smile when he said it, but she didn’t think he was joking. She wasn’t sure what told her that, but he was incredibly dangerous. Not to her, she knew that, too, but she wouldn’t want to get on his bad side.
    He easily stood, pulling her to her feet. He picked up his blades and handed her the naginata . Taking her hand, he pulled her toward the doorway.
    Charon walked along the corridor, when all he really wanted to do was run. It took everything he had not to throw Aislinn over his shoulder. The need for her was almost overwhelming. Need , the word was a pale description of what he was feeling. Hell, he wished he understood what was going on. All he knew was he wanted her. Wanted to suck and bite and fuck.
    He forced himself to slow down, mentally and physically. Aislinn was a virgin, and though she wanted him, he couldn’t treat her as he did his past lovers. Past. He knew anyone and everyone was in the past. Only Aislinn mattered. She was his future.
    The thought brought him to a screeching halt. What the hell? Where was all this coming from? Yes, he liked her, but he wasn’t a settling down kind of guy.
    “What’s wrong?” she asked, looking up at him quizzically.
    He was saved from answering when his phone beeped. Flipping it open, he saw a message from Kenshin requesting a meet in the library. A tiny part of him was glad for the interruption. He needed to get away from her. Get his head back on straight. He also needed to feed. That’s all it was. He needed to feed, then whatever the hell was wrong with him would be fixed.

    Chapter Six
    Kenshin paced, waiting for all the Hunters to assemble. He’d called the meeting to discuss what could be going on in the city. Instead of using his office, he’d told everyone to meet in the library. It was the safest location, as far as he was concerned, since he knew the leak they had wasn’t coming from any of the Ancients. He had Security working overtime trying to pin the mole down, but so far they hadn’t had any luck. Which, if he thought about it, was just the way their luck had been running lately.
    Grimm and Styx came in followed closely by Reaper. The three men nodded at one another, but beyond that didn’t say anything. Yep, Ancients the chatterboxes of the vampire world. Kenshin often wondered if they did the quiet thing only in front of him. He imagined them gabbing it up over pizza as they watched a soap opera. No, there was no way, he decided. Though the image might have brought a smile on a different day, today he felt as morose as the others looked.
    Talon came in with his arm wrapped around Joelle. Kenshin was surprised. They were usually the last ones to a meeting since Talon made it his mission in life to get his woman naked as much as possible. At least he was stable, Kenshin thought again, which was way better than it had been.

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