A Marriage Takes Two

A Marriage Takes Two by Janet Lane-Walters Page A

Book: A Marriage Takes Two by Janet Lane-Walters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Janet Lane-Walters
house. Not the real one, though. Want to come? Everybody says it’s creepy.”
    Carrie looked at the cluttered kitchen. “Do you mind if I go?”
    “No problem,” Ruth said. “You’ve been a great help. See you on Monday.”
    Carrie and Tony followed Chad into the dark tunnel leading to the haunted house. Luminous spiders hung in gauzy webs. Eerie laughter, moans, creaks, and rattles, filled the air. Tony caught her hand. “Brings back memories.”
    “Yes.” Her heart pounded. Were their memories the same?  The first and only time, until the wedding, Tony had kissed her had been in a similar setting. At fourteen, she’d been awkward, but the brief touch of his lips cemented her dreams of him and forever.
    Tony stared at Carrie. In the dim light, he couldn’t read her expression. How would she react if he stole a kiss the way he had years ago? He bent his head and inhaled the scent of her bubble bath. A picture of Carrie in the tub flashed into his thoughts. The aroma had filtered from their shared bathroom and wove erotic images into his dreams.
    “Dad, Carrie, come on.”
    He straightened. “Guess we’d better go.”
    “Guess so.”
    Was that a note of regret in her voice?  He reached for her hand.
    “Dad, I’m waiting.”
    “We’re coming.”

    Chapter 6
    Tony pulled into the driveway and parked his car. He’d been married for nearly three weeks and he neared the fracture point. Living in close proximity to Carrie proved more difficult every day. Not that she created problems, unless the casual touches and enchanting smiles were designed to keep him on edge. Since the Halloween party, he’d been aware of every curve of her body. He’d spent evenings in the small office off the living room, claiming paperwork, but engaging in full-blown fantasies.
    He pounded the steering wheel. His emotions were tied in knots by lust and guilt. Last night, he’d finally read his copy of the will and discovered yet another stinger.
    “If the marriage is proved not to be a true union, the money will be forfeit and distributed to the following charities.”
    Surely she knew? She had a copy. They had to make love before the meeting with Mr. Hurcutt. The terms she’d set for the marriage had to be broken and he would savor the moment. Would he survive if she insisted on walking away after the money was hers? They had to talk, but he found the words difficult to express.
    Shouts and laughter came from the backyard. He headed around the side of the house.
    “Can’t catch me.” Carrie, a football tucked under her arm, charged past a group of boys.
    Without a second thought, Tony joined the chase and grabbed her from behind. “Maybe they can’t, but I can.” She turned and her saucy grin sent an infusion of heat to his groin.
    The grin slid from her face. Her eyes widened and the green darkened.
    “Dad, you’ve spoiling the game,” Chad said. “You didn’t tell me she was a good runner. She should’ve been a boy.”
    “I don’t know about that.” Tony’s hand brushed her breast and he felt her nipple tighten. His body responded.
    So she wasn’t indifferent. It would make what they had to do less of a challenge.
    Desire roiled his thoughts. He groaned and released her. His new knowledge raised a dilemma.
    He’d promised her a marriage with no strings. Dumb move. Before he’d agreed, he should have told her how he felt. He should have told her about the plans and dreams he’d once had. He should have told her he loved her before he’d gotten involved with Marilyn. He hadn’t and so he’d blown their friendship and any chance for her love.
    Did she understand a marriage in name only wasn’t enough? If Mr. Hurcutt learned they slept in different rooms, he could declare the marriage invalid. Their status, while not public, wasn’t a secret. The right question to the right person and Carrie’s inheritance would belong to charity. He knew his wife wouldn’t lie, and he’d done enough of that. Why

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