A Memory Away
and shook his head. “No I don’t think so.” He smiled vaguely. “I have a shop just round the corner, maybe you’ve seen me on the street?”
“Yeah, maybe.” Danny, unconvinced, looked from Jonah to Kyle. “Don’t think that’s it.” He stared harder at Kyle, obviously searching his memory for where he had seen him before and making the younger man squirm uncomfortably in his seat.
“Dude,” said Jonah in exasperation when Danny didn’t say anything else and continued to stare. “Sorta in the middle of something here.”
“What? Oh. Right.” With one more searching look at Kyle, Danny shrugged off his curiosity and said comfortably, “It’ll come to me.” He clapped a hand to Jonah’s shoulder in farewell. “Catch you later, man.” He nodded at Kyle and then turned away to resume his shopping.
Kyle watched him leave and then looked at Jonah. “I take it he’s a friend of yours?”
Laughing Jonah said, “Only when I’m desperate. He works with me and Lopez and we hang out sometimes. Football and clubbing that kinda thing. Whoa, you okay?” He leapt up when Kyle choked on a sip of the fresh tea he had ordered and spat it all over the table. “Kyle?”
Kyle waved him away, spluttering and eyes tearing up as he realised where Danny had recognised him from. “Fine!” He grabbed a napkin from the table and mopped at his face and shirt front. “I’m fine.” His eyes darted over to where Danny was chatting over the counter to Mrs Abretti as she weighed out some cheese and he forced a smile up at Jonah. “Sorry, I didn’t realise it was so late. I have to go.”
“Okay?” Jonah said with a confused look. “You sure you’re alright?”
Kyle didn’t dare look over at Danny to see if he was still watching them and instead stood up, gathering his bag up and slinging it onto his shoulder. “Yes, fine, honestly. I should really just get home.” He couldn’t believe his luck – what were the chances of the guy that hadn’t fucked him almost boneless recognising him instead of the one that had ? He gestured to the door. “Do you want to walk back to our cars together?”
“Yeah, sure.” Jonah laughed low in his throat as Kyle shoved past him and all but sprinted for the door. “I’ll say one thing for you, Gerritsen, you’re never boring.” His eyes dropped and fixed on the seat of Kyle’s pants and he shrugged to himself. “Okay, two things. You’ve got a great ass. Now all I’ve got to do is keep it in one place long enough to get my hands on it.”
Jonah was sprawled comfortably on his sofa later that night clutching a beer and idly watching a repeat of an old football game on TV when his phone beeped indicating he had received a text. He rolled his head to the side and eyed his phone where it sat on the kitchen counter and considered leaving it till morning. He was warm, he was comfortable and he was half hard from further absent contemplation of Kyle’s ass and exactly what he was going to do to it when he got the other man where he wanted him. All he really wanted to do was finish his drink and jerk off before going to bed. He sipped at his beer and then sighed, getting to his feet resentfully before stalking across the room to snatch up the phone. This had better be good.
You fucking HOUND! The text on his screen read. Thought you didn’t do repeat hook-ups? You sure he’s legal this time!?
Jonah stared, confused, and then cleared the screen and hit his contacts list until Danny Lee’s name came up. “Lee, what the fuck are you talking about?”
Twenty minutes later he was out the door and the bottle of beer was lying s mashed on the kitchen floor, its contents dripping down the wall.
Kyle nearly jumped out of his skin when pounding sounded against his front door. He had just been gathering up the last of Shea’s toys and tidying them away before heading up to bed and the noise sounded ridiculously loud in the silence of the otherwise sleeping house. He

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