A Rose for Melinda

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Book: A Rose for Melinda by Lurlene McDaniel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lurlene McDaniel
before school starts will be a scrapbook full of photos and ticket stubs and programs. I'll call it “Europe on $500 a Day,” which Dad thinks is very funny (and accurate, according to Mom, because Dad spared no expense!).
    Bailey has gone all summer without a boyfriend—some kind of record for her, I think. She says she's not hooking up with any guy who doesn't treat her good (the way Jesse treats me, she says). She told me he sent her a B-day e-mail, but she seemed kind of disappointed when I told her I'd suggested it to him. Probably my imagination.
    Back to the studio on Saturday, and boy am I ever rusty. Sooo glad I have the mini-studio in the garage to work out my kinks before Mrs. Houston sees me. But I am looking like my old self again. All hair has made a complete comeback. Weight's gone. Boobs no bigger. Oh well. …Two out of three ain't bad.
    August 3 (night)
    Mom sorted through stacks of mail held at the post office and gave me the note from Natalie Blackbird. I almost fainted! And I can't believe it arrived just AFTER we had left on vacation. What bad timing! Anyway, we'll get a package together tomorrow and send it off FedEx. Mom said she'd write a note explaining why it took so long for us to respond. I hope the delay won't count against me!

    TO: Ballerina Girl
Subject: Can I Visit?

    You'll never believe what my dad says he'll do for me. He's willing to route my return trip to California through Atlanta with a weekend stay-over if it's okay with your parents. All your postcards and e-mails made him curious about you (yes, he does remember you from our first-grade class and the night of the
performance), and he was surprised that we've kept in touch all this time.
    I told him about you and how I stayed with your family so much right after his and Mom's divorce, and about how I used to wish your dad was MY dad. I really dumped on him. He got all teary, almost broke down, said it had been hard on him too with Mom moving to California and him not being able to watch me grow up. He said he was sorry, that divorce is always hard, but that his and Mom's marriage hadn't been good from the start. I told him I didn't want him dissing Mom and he didn't. He just said, “The past is the past. We all made mistakes.” He said he only wants to start fresh with me because he loves me.
    Anyway, we cleared the air and I guess I can see both sides of their divorce now. Donna and Dad get along real well and I can tell it makes a difference when two people really care for each other. Then he offered to route me through Atlanta to visit you. I really want to come. Can I? I promise not to be a bother. I want to see you again.

    TO: Jesse
Subject: Your Trip

    Yes, you can come! I'll be at the airport to meet your flight. And this time, Mom promises not to talk!

    August 17
    This is one of the worst nights of my life. I look across the street and see a light glowing on Melinda's porch and I know she's outside in her yard in the gazebo with Jesse. She told me she was making them a picnic supper and they were going to “dine under the stars.” I acted excited and even helped her pick out music for her CD player and candles for her big evening with him. But inside, my heart was breaking. I want to be the one with Jesse under the stars. I want him to hold me and kiss me.
    But she's my best friend and I could never make a move for him. It would be traitorous. Plus, I know the truth: Jesse loves Melinda. Therefore, he'll never love me. If only I could find a guy like Jesse. If only my brain would turn off and I could stop thinking about them and feeling sorry for myself. If only I could give up this impossible dream. If only …

    August 17
    Years from now, when I think of this night, I will count it as one of the best of my life. And for the first time ever, my dream of becoming a professional ballerina slipped into the background. Why? Because tonight Jesse kissed me. Not the quick kiss-and-run

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