A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1)

A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) by Charisee Irons Page B

Book: A Scandalous Philly Love Story (Part 1) by Charisee Irons Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charisee Irons
Dr. Michael Turner. We both looked at one another, but made no attempts to let on that we knew each other. After completing his examination, he said that I had made some progress and could be discharged tomorrow. I sat there, thinking of my last encounter with Mike. It looked as if he had the same thoughts. He stated that he would return before he ended his rounds for the night. After my lunch tray arrived, I picked over the sandwich. I realized I wasn’t that hungry and dozed off.
    When I woke up, there were two officers walking into the room. Officer Washington and Officer Lawerence. They attempted to question me about my attack, but of course, I claimed I had no clue who my attacker was.
    “There was no real description from the witness, except it was a lady in a dark blue Armada truck,” Officer Lawerence said. My mom looked perplexed because she knew that was Cyn’s truck. I tried to hurry the officers along by faking a headache and just asking if they could leave a card, so I could contact them later. It wasn’t even thirty seconds after they left, and my mom started in again with the questions.
    “Marcy, is there something you’re hiding? Because I could have swore Cyn owned a dark blue Armada.” I began to get frustrated with her because she just couldn’t leave well enough alone. 
    “Just leave it alone, mom!” I yelled. My mom looked as if she wanted to slap the shit out of me.
    “Marcy Renee Crawford, if you ever raise your damn voice at me again, I will slap the taste out of your mouth. Now, you will answer my questions, or I will go straight to Cynthia.”
    “Mom, could you please let me handle this?”
    “Listen, Marcy, you and Cynthia have been friends for over fifteen years now, something must be wrong for her to attack you like she did. She could have killed you. What could have possessed her to come at you like that?”
    “Mom, I promise we will talk about this, just give me some time.”
    Boy, was I happy my mother left. She kept trying to press the issue, and I totally ignored her. Some of what she said, though, was true, but I wanted to handle things my own way. As I was lying there, watching the news, Dr. Good-Looking stuck his head in the door.
    “Is the coast clear?” he asked, as I nodded my head yes because I couldn’t help but laugh at how silly he was acting. “Just wanted to check on my favorite patient before I left.” I couldn’t help but blush.
    “I’m sure you say that to all of the young ladies.”
    “No, just this particular one with the tasty pussy,” he stated, winking his eyes. “Sorry if that sounded inappropriate, but I’m not telling no lies.” I started laughing. He stayed for another thirty minutes, so we could talk, and I promised to hit him and Kiki up once I felt up to it. He kissed me on the back of the hand and left. I noticed that it was getting late, and I was anxious and couldn’t wait to be home in my own bed.

Chapter 16
    It had been almost two weeks since I showed up at Marcy’s house and whooped her ass. I had yet to catch Eric’s fairy ass. I left plenty of messages, and I even rode past his house with no luck. The bastard was ignoring me. I still couldn’t wrap my head around the fact that he was fucking men and letting them suck on his dick. I got sick just thinking about it. No wonder he stopped wanting to be with me. I was just starting to wrap my head around the fact that he was bi-sexual and that he was fucking my ex-best friend behind my back. When the incident occurred, Ms. Bertha called me to let me know that Marcy had been attacked. I was the least interested in answering her call, since I was the one who attacked that ass. She better be happy she was still alive, but if I saw her again, she might catch another ass whooping.
    For the first couple of days, I was in shock because I could think back to the days when she was getting caught up with fucking with other girls’ boyfriends, and I was right there with her,

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