A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4)

A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) by Makenna Jameison Page A

Book: A SEAL's Seduction (Alpha SEALs Book 4) by Makenna Jameison Read Free Book Online
Authors: Makenna Jameison
that she’d just agreed to be alone with him had to be a good sign.
    “Then let’s get going.  Should we say goodbye to Lexi?”
    “No,” Christopher said.  “Just let her rest.  I’ll see you guys tomorrow.”
    They exchanged goodbyes, and then Mike, Patrick, and Kenley walked outside to the parking lot.  Mike clicked the remote to his SUV and opened the passenger door for Kenley.  He tried not to groan as she ducked into the vehicle.  Hell.  That dress was getting his imagination all sorts of worked up.  What he wouldn’t give to bend her over the nearest surface, flip up that flimsy little dress, and sink straight into heaven.
    No doubt that would freak her the hell out, he thought with a smirk.  He could be patient.  Mike had the distinct impression that Kenley would be well worth the wait.  He was impressed with the way she’d handled herself during the few weeks he’d known her.  She’d rushed down from Northern Virginia when her best friend was in trouble.  She’d handled him after he’d eventually released her at the condo.  Maybe physically she hadn’t been able to fend him off when he thought she was one of the kidnappers, but verbally?  Damn.  She’d given him a tongue lashing he’d never forget once she’d gotten her wits about her.
    And she was sweet.  Sensitive.  All her soft curves up against his male hardness was just about damn near perfection.  Her body fit against his she’d been made just for him and him alone.  And what he wouldn’t give to learn all the other ways their bodies perfectly aligned—to sweep his tongue inside her sweet mouth.  To bury his cock so deep inside her tight walls that neither of them knew where he stopped and she began.  To thrust into her again and again, driving her skyward until she screamed out his name.
    Hell.  He had to get his mind off getting her into his bed and onto driving her back.  His pants had already grown uncomfortably tight.
    “You didn’t eat much,” Mike said as he eased into the driver’s seat.  “Want me to take you to get some food?”
    “Oh.  I was just worried about Lexi, I guess.”
    He started the engine and glanced over at her.  “It’s normal to have some trauma after a situation like that.  It’ll take her a while to get readjusted, but she’s actually doing great.”
    “You seem pretty confident,” Kenley commented.
    Mike shrugged.  He glanced back over his shoulder and backed out of the space.  Patrick was already pulling out onto the road.  “I’ve had medical training.  We have to know how to treat men who are in shock if they’re injured in battle.”
    “Do all the guys have medical training?”
    “Yeah, to some extent.  Theirs is more basic though.  Every man on the team has to have a particular skill set—Christopher’s the IT guru, as you probably already know.  Patrick is our team leader.  I’m the medic in the group.  That’s how I got my nickname.”
    “Patch, right?”
    “Yeah, because I patch people up.”
    Kenley laughed, and a sudden feeling of warmth filled his chest.  She sure didn’t laugh much around him, and hell if he didn’t wish that wasn’t the case.  Her whole face lit up when she smiled, and her eyes shone brightly.  Not to mention that rosy hue that crossed her cheeks, which is what Mike liked to imagine she might look like when she came—panting and screaming his name in ecstasy.
    “When did you get that nickname?”
    “Not until my first op.  Some guys get theirs in BUD/S—that’s the training we have to do to become a SEAL.  But I was, uh, attending to a guy who’d gotten a bullet wound in the leg.  He was ready to keep on fighting and was screaming at me to patch him up so he could get back into battle.”
    “Was it one of the guys on your SEAL team now?”
    “No, I was originally with a different unit.  This one’s the best though.”
    He glanced over to see Kenley smirking.  “Modest as always, I see.”
    Mike chuffed

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