Abby's Vampire

Abby's Vampire by Anjela Renee Page B

Book: Abby's Vampire by Anjela Renee Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anjela Renee
    As he hung up the phone, he quickly straightened his desk, brushed back his hair, and gave himself a squirt of breath spray. Sally was so hot. He knew he didn’t really have a chance, being a werewolf, but you couldn’t blame a guy for trying. Having a job working for Vampires put him in an awkward position with his kind. The females thought him a traitor so they weren’t interested and human females were just too delicate.
    Sally entered the office, looking beautiful. He smiled while thinking about all the dirty things he would love to do to her. She looked much more casual than she did at their last visit. She wore skinny jeans and a green top with a deep V-neck. She had small breasts with just a hint of cleavage. He could see enough to imagine what they would look like.
    “Sally, how nice of you to stop by. What can I do for you?” He motioned for her to take a seat. She just stood defiantly.
    Conner smiled. Sally had spunk, and he liked a woman with a little fire. If he ever had a chance, he would love to mate with her.
    “It’s Maurice,” Sally said.
    “Of course. What has our un-favorite Vampire done now?” He laughed. However, he could see by Sally’s face she wasn’t amused in the least.
    “Sorry; please continue,” Connor said.
    “This is no joke. He is a dangerous man and must be stopped. How long do you think it will take before he exposes all Vampires to the humans? He kidnapped Abby, Javon’s future mate. Is this proof enough or will you continue to sit on your tail and do nothing?” Sally leaned over the desk where Connor was seated. He couldn’t help but take a peek down her shirt. Sally noticed. “Are you enjoying the view?” She stood up straight, pulling her shirt up a bit.
    “Quite a lot, actually.” He growled, very happy the desk was covering his hard on. He let out a frustrated breath and then answered. “Let me guess, no proof.”
    “Will you help me now, or do I have to drag in a dead body to be taken seriously?”
    “I do have some discretion in these matters and I’m inclined to believe you. I am issuing a warrant and with any luck, he’ll be in custody in a few days. I’m also going to take extra precautions and send out his information to all the Vampire bars in the area. The warrant will be sent to every bounty hunter in this part of the country.”
    “Days? He will kill her by then.”
    “I'm sorry, Sally. I wish I could do more. Do you have any idea where he's been hanging out, who his friends are?”
    Sally sat down in the chair—the first time since arriving. She decided the best thing would be to tell all she knew about Maurice, no matter how terrible it was to relive the past. “Maurice was, well, unhappy would be putting it mildly. He hated Javon and he hated me. More than once, he tried starving himself only to go on a killing rampage, and he blamed us for that, too.”
    “Why do you think he was so unhappy?”
    “Love,” Sally replied.
    Connor looked at her questionably. “I don't understand.”
    “He was in love when he turned. He lost her and blamed us and every other Vampire for his misery. We forced him to stay with us for fifty years but then when it seemed hopeless, Javon released him and hoped for the best.”
    “What happened after he left?” Connor asked.
    “He wasn't right in the head. He preferred to stay in abandoned buildings and houses. We heard stories that he enjoyed killing prostitutes. We tried to help him but he wouldn't let us. He enjoyed being miserable and feeling sorry for himself.”
    “We failed him but now you must do what is necessary for the safety of all of us.”
    “Sally, thank you for sharing this with me. I know it can be hard to admit your failures, but this isn't a failure on your part. Maurice chose to be miserable and to go on the wrong path. I have your number. I will keep you updated.”
    “I appreciate that.”
    “It's been a pleasure, as usual. I hope to see you again. I just hope next time it

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