Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage

Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage by MC Beaton Page A

Book: Agatha Raisin and the Murderous Marriage by MC Beaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: MC Beaton
I’d better look for somewhere else. I can’t live out of a suitcase at James’s forever.’ She walked off into the hall.
    ‘Now there’s a thing,’ said Miss Simms, picking a piece of tobacco off her teeth. ‘I thought the wedding would happen sooner or later.’
    Doris Simpson, Agatha’s cleaner, joined them. ‘Poor Agatha,’ she said. ‘She do miss her home and I miss the cleaning.’
    ‘Don’t you do for Mr Lacey, then?’ asked Miss Simms.
    ‘No, he does his own cleaning, and that’s unnatural in a man, if you ask me.’
    ‘I had a fellow like that once. Went off and left me for another fellow,’ said Miss Simms. ‘It all goes to show.’
    ‘I do not think our Mr Lacey is that way inclined,’ said Mrs Bloxby.
    ‘Never can tell. Some of ’em don’t come out o’ the closet till they’re quite old and then they run around saying, “This is the life,” and bugger the wife and kids,’ Mrs Simpson said.
    ‘“Bugger” being the word,’ said Miss Simms and gave a cackle of laughter.
    ‘Shall we go in, ladies?’ suggested the vicar’s wife.
    The revue consisted of songs and sketches. In the way of amateur productions, the singer most on stage was the one with the weakest voice and had chosen to sing a selection from the musicals of Andrew Lloyd Webber, petering out in the high notes and dying in the low notes and shrill in the middle. The rendering of ‘Don’t Cry for Me, Argentina’ was, Agatha reflected sourly, music to stun pigs by.
    Usually when she was out at some event that bored her, she looked forward to returning home to her cottage and cats. But there was only James’s cottage to return to, where she seemed to exist by sufferance on the periphery of his well-ordered life.
    Damn that Hardy woman, she thought. And then she stifled a little gasp. Mrs Hardy, that could be it! Come from God knows where. Who knew anything about her? And her arrival in the village had been coincidental with the death of Jimmy Raisin. Agatha barely heard the rest of the concert. She wanted to rush home and tell James about her suspicions, but there was tea to take afterwards and the grumbling Boggles to run home.
    By the time she was free, her splendid idea had been replaced by doubts. But none the less she told James of her suspicions. To her relief, he listened to her seriously and said, ‘I’ve been wondering about that woman myself. There doesn’t seem much point in trying to talk to her, she doesn’t seem the chatty sort, to say the least.’
    There was a ring at the doorbell and Agatha went to answer it. Mrs Bloxby stood there. ‘Come in,’ said Agatha.
    ‘I can’t. I brought your scarf. You left it at the hall. I’m just going to pick up the keys from Mrs Hardy. For some reason she wants me to keep the spares while she’s in London. I told her to leave them with our policeman, Fred Griggs, but she said she didn’t want to.’
    ‘When does she leave?’ asked Agatha.
    ‘About now, I think. I had better go.’
    Agatha thanked her for the scarf and went thoughtfully back indoors.
    ‘There’s a thing,’ she said, sitting down opposite James. ‘The Hardy woman’s off to London. Left her spare keys with Mrs Bloxby. Wouldn’t it be interesting to get a look in there?’
    ‘Can’t very well ask Mrs Bloxby for the keys. And I wouldn’t like to try lock-picking in broad daylight.’
    ‘But I’ve got another set to the cottage. I found them in my case.’
    ‘Won’t she have changed the locks?’
    ‘I’ve a feeling that one would not go to any expense if she could do otherwise. Oh, just think, James, what if she proves to be Mrs Gore-Appleton?’
    ‘Too much to hope for. But I’d like to find out more about her. How do we get in there without anyone seeing us? There always seems to be someone about in this village when you don’t want them to be, and we can’t wait until the middle of the night. Did Mrs Bloxby say anything about when she planned to return?’
    ‘No. But I have

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