All Smoke No Fire
cover for me until I get there.”
    He laughed. “I can see the three of you conspiring.”
    “Yeah, they’re more loyal than any friends I’ve had.” She lifted off him, propping herself up on her elbow. “My flight back to Montana?” Here’s where she would leave herself vulnerable. “I’ve got two tickets.”
    He froze.
    “I want you to come back with me, open for me, sing duets with me.” She licked her lips quickly. “You won’t be on the bill right away, but I’ll get your name on the lineup as soon as I can make arrangements…which means I have to first make amends to Delroy.” Although she’d gotten him to cover for her Friday, he’d warned her that was the last time. She knew better, though.
    “Kitten.” He looked long and hard into her eyes. “Are you sure about this? I mean, things went downhill real fast in New Orleans. Do you want to take the risk?”
    Marilou was as sure as she’d been about anything. Ever. But was he as certain? Did he have doubts? “Dax, if we do this, let’s go all in, one-hundred percent, headfirst. It’s the only way we’re going to be confident in our decisions.”
    He rolled them until she lay underneath him, his body pressing her into his bed, his face right over hers.
    “On one condition.” His smile turned his handsome face irresistible. “Tell me you were wrong. Tell me I’m all fire, no smoke.”
    Marilou laughed, laced her fingers together at the back of his neck and pulled his sexy mouth to hers, gently biting his lower lip. “On one condition.” She wiggled her hips under his. “Show me your fire one more time?”
    As his hot shaft hardened against her belly, he kissed her. “Anything you want, kitten.” Dax whispered the words against her lips. “Anything.”

Would you like to know how Shaw and Harper found each other? They have their own book, the first in the series, All Hat No Cattle. Read the book blurb and find out where you can order it by clicking HERE . Here's a sneak peek:
Shaw and Harper’s story:
All Hat No Cattle
    Chapter One
    Harper Johansen backed into the last diagonal parking spot on Main Street in Belle Fourche, South Dakota. She jumped out of her company car just as the cattle drive started, and leaned against the front bumper, watching the longhorns plod toward her. Cowboys and cowgirls rode horses along each side of the sauntering cattle, close enough for Harper to touch.
    And she had a need to touch. She wanted a genuine cowboy so bad, she almost ached. This was Wednesday, the first day of the four-day rodeo, so she had through Saturday to look for one. There had to be at least one man in town who’d fit her requirements.
    Straightening to her full five-foot, two inches, she fluffed her shoulder-length red hair and tugged her T-shirt down. Cocking her jeans-shorts-clad hip toward one of the younger, sexier horsemen, she gave him the look . He grinned at her but lifted the reins in his left hand, showing her his wedding ring.
    Taken. All the cowboys who matched her idea of perfection were either taken or far too young. Not that she was old at thirty, but she did have an age limit. Rodeo cowboys were usually way beneath her minimum requirement, but she still got enough propositions from them to fill an arena.
    After the short parade passed, she headed to the sidewalk, flip-flops flapping, and opened her trunk. She lifted out the box of free samples she had been giving away at every one of the twenty rodeo towns on her summer tour this year. This afternoon’s samples were alcohol-free, but tonight at the rodeo, she’d be gifting her company’s best fermented beverages. Harper set the box on the bumper, balancing it with one hand while she reached up to grab the trunk hood.
    Two strong arms reached over and grabbed the teetering box, lifting it out of her way. Attached to the arms was a hunk of a man in a cowboy hat. His plaid shirtsleeves were rolled up over tan, muscled forearms and the top buttons on the

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