Alpha Male Incorporated: Take Control
he asked. “If you can’t do it then I’ll have to go with you to your dance lesson with Tomas.”
    For a second she thought about lying but decided it wouldn’t be in her best interest to lose her husband’s trust. “Alright, I promise to be good. No more trying out my new powers on humans, but I thought I could erase his memory and it didn’t work,” she complained.
    “I have told you some people’s will is stronger than others, so you might not be able to erase their memories. However, you aren’t ever allowed to use your powers on any other law enforcement officers. Promise me you won’t try it again.”
    “You do know you’re taking all of my fun away,” Sahara pouted. “I have all of these cool new powers and you’re putting a limit on what I can do with them.”
    “I can take you shoe shopping tomorrow to make up for taking away all of your fun,” Jax suggested.
    She couldn’t keep the excitement from racing through her body. Her blood pumped at the thought of buying new shoes—nothing compared to it. “Alright, I’ll take you up on that offer, Mr. Irizzary,” Sahara said, then gave her husband a quick kiss. “You better get ready or you’ll miss the beginning of your movie. I need to go over this song one last time before I leave.”
    “Okay, but don’t leave before coming and telling me goodbye. I want to know when you leave and also let me know when you get to Tomas’s studio,” Jax told her.
    “I can do that for you.”
    Jax gave her another kiss as he stared into her eyes. “I love you.”
    “I love you, too,” Sahara said, then watched as her husband vanished from the room.
    God, sometimes he acted like he was still her bodyguard instead of her husband. Shaking her head, Sahara went back over to the piano and set down. Looking over her lyrics, she found where she was at before Jax interrupted, and started singing the next line.
    So why won’t you give a little for me?
    I have done what you wanted more than once.
    So it is time for you to do it for me. I promise you It will be a compromise you will love.
    Have you thought about my offer?
    Will you let me have you anyway I want?
    I’m a patient woman, but don’t make me wait too long.
    You never know I might find a more willingly man than you.
    So, think about my sexy offer. I promise you.
    It will be better than anything
    You ever dreamt about in your life up to now.
    Let me take control of you. I mean I would
    Give it to you so good better than any other girl from your past.
    How could you look at me and not want me to have my way with you?
    I’m not trying to be self-centered, but I know I look good.
    You have told me yourself that I’m the best looking female You have ever seen.
    So why won’t you give a little for me?
    I’ve done what you wanted more than
    Once, so it is time for you to do it for me. I promise you It will be a compromise you will love.

Chapter Ten
    Several blocks away, Raya rubbed the back of her hands across her tired eyes and tried not to yawn. She should have been home hours ago, but she had to finish getting the last of her new client’s information into the computer system.
    The few employees working for her left over two hours ago and headed home to their families, but she sat hunched over her desk burning away the midnight oil. She wondered why she was still fighting so hard to save this place.
    Neither her brother nor her father was interested in it anymore. It pained her heart to think of her legacy in the hands of someone like Thorsten Irizarry. He only wanted it from her to build it back up and then sell it to the highest bidder.
    He didn’t understand the memories this place held for her. How she remembered riding her bike all the way down here after middle school to stay with her father. She did her homework while he sat behind this very desk and dealt with all of his clients.
    Half the time, she was the one at her father’s side watching how the business was run.

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