Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar)

Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Page A

Book: Always A Bridesmaid (Left At the Altar) by Jana Richards Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jana Richards
for the first time that I went overboard. I bought him chocolate and a bunch of stupid little gifts, like a teddy bear with his name embroidered on the front. Valentine's Day fell on a Saturday that year, and my friend June was going to be away for the weekend, so I convinced her to let me borrow her dorm room."
    "You naughty girl," he said with a grin.
    "Yeah, well, more stupid than naughty. I invited him to June's dorm room and greeted him at the door wearing a red silk nightie. He took one look at me and the candles and wine and told me I'd misinterpreted our relationship. Actually, I think his exact words were 'Oh for God's sake! This is too much!' And then he ran like the hounds of hell were after him."
    "What did you do?"
    "Well, after bawling my eyes out, I tried to call him to apologize, but he wouldn't take any of my calls. He avoided me for days. When he finally did talk to me, it was to tell me he didn't want to see me anymore. I was too clingy."
    "I'm sorry. That must have hurt."
    "At the time, it did. But you know what they say, 'That which does not kill you makes you stronger'."
    "Whoever he was, the guy was a jerk."
    "Thanks for saying so. What really ticks me off is that I gave my virginity to that jerk. It's not like I can get it back."
    "Then he was even more of jerk than I thought. He didn't deserve you." He glanced at her, his mouth turning down in frown. "You aren't seeing anyone right now, are you? I can't believe I didn't ask you that before I dragged you into this charade."
    "No, I'm not seeing anyone right now. I wouldn't have played along if I was." She was definitely a one-man woman. "I haven't dated anyone seriously in over a year."
    "That's a long time. How come?"
    "I met a very handsome man through work, a lawyer with another firm. We worked together to iron out the estate of one of my clients. His client, the granddaughter, was contesting the inheritance she'd received."
    "She wanted more?"
    "Believe or not, she wanted less. She felt that a portion of the estate should go the family of her grandfather's illegitimate child."
    "Interesting. So you and the lawyer started dating?"
    "Yeah. I was really impressed with the way he'd handled the case and helped the families work out a solution. He was caring, compassionate, funny, everything I wanted in a potential boyfriend. I guess you could say I was smitten."
    "Smitten, eh? Sounds serious."
    "I thought we were. Unfortunately Jerry didn't. After being together for several months, I discovered he was seeing another woman, the daughter of a diplomat, at the same time he was dating me." She didn't add that this woman was tall, blonde, and thin, not to mention gorgeous. She'd been devastated when she'd discovered Jerry had cheated on her, but she'd learned a valuable lesson from him. Never give your heart away unless you're absolutely sure the other person feels the same way. Since then her heart remained intact, locked up tight behind a wall of defenses.
    "I'm sorry. I know how that hurts."
    "Yeah, I guess you would. Thanks."
    She watched his profile as he drove, his strong chin, his long, straight nose, his beautifully sculpted cheekbones. She was struck by a longing so strong it made her eyes burn with tears. She'd give anything for him to kiss her passionately again and really mean it.
    But she'd learned the hard way that good-looking men like Zach gravitated to equally good-looking women like Chantal. Not mousy girls like her. She made herself look away.
    "I can't believe you haven't had a serious boyfriend since then," he said.
    She deliberately added a lightness to her voice she didn't feel. "Don't get me wrong. I've dated. I just haven't found anyone I want to invest more time in than a few casual dates." Better to keep things light and uncomplicated. That way she couldn't get hurt.
    "I'm sure you'll find some lucky guy who'll appreciate what a great girl you are."
    "Right. The men are lining up to date me. I have to beat them off with a

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