An Outrageous Proposal

An Outrageous Proposal by Maureen Child

Book: An Outrageous Proposal by Maureen Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Child
the annoying tug of memory about
her ex and the wedding Sean would be attending with her.
    Georgia squared her shoulders and steeled her spine. She’d made
her decision and wouldn’t back away now. Besides, her new life was coming
together. She had her lover. A shop. A new home.
    And all of it built on a tower of lies, her mind whispered.
    “The question is,” she asked herself aloud, “what part of it
will survive when the tower collapses?” Frowning at the pessimistic thoughts
that she was determined to avoid, she added, “Not helping.”
    She had chosen her road and wouldn’t change directions now.
Whatever happened, she and Sean would deal with it. They were two adults after
all. They could have sex. Have…whatever it was they had, without destroying each
other. And then, there was the fact that even if she had been willing to
consider ending their deal, she was in too deep to find a way out anyway. So
instead, she would suck it up, follow the plan Sean had laid out and hope for
the best.
    Meanwhile, she had a shop to get ready and a new cottage to
decorate and furnish.
    She stepped back to take a look at her handiwork and smiled at
the wash of palest yellow paint on one of the walls of her new office. It was
cheerful and just bright enough to ease back the gray days that seemed to be a
perpetual part of the Irish life. The smell of paint was strong, so she had
propped open the front door. That cold wind she was so accustomed to now whipped
through the opening and tugged at her hair as she worked.
    All morning, people in the village had been stopping in, to
offer help—which Georgia didn’t need, since she wanted to do this part
herself—or to offer congratulations on her upcoming marriage. So she hardly
jumped when a voice spoke up from the doorway.
    “It’s lovely.”
    Georgia turned to smile at Ailish as Sean’s mother walked into
the shop just a step or two ahead of her son.
    “Thanks.” Georgia smiled at both of them. “I didn’t know you
were stopping by. Ailish, it’s so good to see you out of the hospital.”
    “It’s even better from my perspective,” she answered quickly, a
soft smile curving her mouth. “I can’t tell you how badly I wanted to be home
again. Of course, I was planning on going back to my own home in Dublin, but my
son insists I stay at the family manor until I’m recovered—which I am even now,
thanks very much.”
    “You’re not recovered yet and you’ll take it easy as the doctor
advised,” Sean told her.
    “Take it easy,” Ailish sniffed. “How’m I to do that with you
and everyone else hovering?”
    Georgia grinned at the expression of helpless frustration on
Sean’s face. She understood how he was feeling, but she really identified with
Ailish. Georgia didn’t appreciate hovering, either. “How’re you feeling?”
    The smaller woman hurried across the tarp-draped floor and took
Georgia in a hard, brief hug. “I’m wonderful is what I am,” she said. “Sean’s
told me your news and I couldn’t be happier.”
    Guilt flew like an arrow and stabbed straight into Georgia’s
heart. She looked into Ailish’s sharp green eyes and felt terrible for her part in this lie. But at the same time, she could
see that Sean’s mother’s face was pale and there were shadows beneath those
lovely eyes of hers. So she wasn’t as well as she claimed and maybe, Georgia
thought wildly, that was enough of a reason to carry on with the lie.
    “Isn’t it lovely that you and your sister both will be here,
married and building families?” Ailish sighed at the romance of it. “I couldn’t
ask for a more perfect daughter-in-law.”
    “Thank you, Ailish,” Georgia said and simply embraced the
guilt, accepting that it would now be a part of her life. At least for a
    “Now,” Ailish said, grabbing Georgia’s left hand. “Let me see
the ring…”
    There was no ring.
    Georgia curled her fingers into her palm and threw a fast look
at Sean who mimed slapping his

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