An Outrageous Proposal

An Outrageous Proposal by Maureen Child Page A

Book: An Outrageous Proposal by Maureen Child Read Free Book Online
Authors: Maureen Child
hand to his forehead.
    “We’ve not picked one out yet,” he said quickly. “It has to be
just right, doesn’t it?”
    “Hmm…” Ailish patted Georgia’s hand even as she slid a curious
look at her son. “Well, I’ll look forward to seeing it.”
    “So,” Georgia said into the quiet, “you’re not heading home to
    “Not for a bit yet,” she said, “though I do long for my own
things about me.”
    “The manor was your home until four years ago, mother,” Sean
reminded her. “There’s plenty of your things there, as well. And someone to look
after you.”
    “I don’t need a keeper,” Ailish told him. “Though there were
plenty of times I was convinced you did. Until you had the sense to become
engaged to Georgia.”
    “Thanks very much,” Sean muttered, stuffing his hands into the
pockets of his slacks.
    “Now, if you don’t mind, I think I’ll go sit in the car again
until you’re ready to leave, Sean. Georgia,” she added, leaning in to kiss her
cheek, “I couldn’t be happier for the both of you. It’ll be a lovely wedding,
and you know I think this one should be held in Dunley, as Ronan and Laura were
married in California.”
    “Um, sure,” Georgia said, as the pile of lies she was standing
on grew higher and higher. “Only fair.”
    “Exactly.” Ailish took a breath and let it slide from her lungs
as she smiled. “Have you thought about when the wedding will be?”
    “We really haven’t gotten that far yet,” Sean told her. “What
with Georgia opening a new business and moving here and all, we’ve been too busy
to set a date.”
    “Sometime soon then,” Ailish went on in a rush. “Perhaps a
Christmas wedding? Wouldn’t that be lovely? Sean will send a plane for your
parents of course, and perhaps they’d like to come out early, so we could all
work on the wedding preparations together.”
    “I’ll, um, ask them.”
    “Wonderful.” Ailish smiled even wider, then turned for a look
at her son. “I’ll speak to Father Leary tomorrow and see about having the banns
read at Mass.”
    “All right then,” Sean said stiffly, “I’ll leave it in your
    “Good. That’s settled. Now,” Ailish added, “you two don’t mind
me. I’ll be in the car, Sean, whenever you’re ready.”
    They watched her through the window to make sure she was all
right, and once she was safely in the car again, Georgia grabbed his arm. “The
priest? She’s going to have the banns read in church?”
    This was suddenly way more complicated. For three weeks
running, the priest would read the names of the couples wanting to be married,
giving anyone with a legal or civil objection a chance to speak up. But that
just meant the news would fly around Dunley even faster than they’d
    He pushed one hand through his hair. “Aye, well, that’s the way
it’s done, isn’t it?”
    “Can’t you ask her to wait?”
    “And use what for a reason?” He shook his head. “No, the banns
will be read but it changes nothing. We’ll still call it off when you break up
with me. It’ll all be fine, Georgia. You’ll see.” He grabbed her left hand and
ran his thumb over her ring finger. “I’m sorry though, that I forgot about a
    “It isn’t important.”
    His gaze locked with hers. “It is, and it’ll be taken care of
today. I’ll see to it.”
    “Sean,” she whispered, moving in close, then sliding a quick
look at Ailish to make absolutely certain the woman couldn’t overhear them, “are
you really sure we’re doing the right thing?”
    “I am,” he insisted, dipping his head to hers. “She’s tired,
Georgia. I’ve never seen my mother so pale, and I’ve no wish to give her a
setback right now. Let’s see her up and moving around and back to herself before
we end this. We have a deal, right?”
    She sighed miserably. “We do.”
    “Good then.” He kissed her hard and fast. “I’ll just take
mother to the manor house, then I’ll come back

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