An Unexpected Husband

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Book: An Unexpected Husband by Constance Masters Read Free Book Online
Authors: Constance Masters
Tags: Romance
you’ll get extra.” He had to try really hard not to smile as with a pout a five year old would be proud of, Skye covered herself as best she could with her hands and slowly walked over to him. She really didn’t want to but even she realized that she’d probably pushed her luck enough for one day. He patted the bed beside him. Relieved with the temporary reprieve, she sat and he took her hand.
    “Why are you in trouble?” Shaun asked seriously.
    “You know why,” Skye said. She found this all extremely humiliating.
    “I want to make sure YOU know why.”
    “I do know why.”
    “Then tell me.” He was trying to keep his patience, he really was, but it wasn’t easy.
    “I used my Mom to get at you.”
    “Why?” he asked.
    She shrugged. “I told you in the car.” Really? She thought. Was it really necessary to repeat everything?
    “Tell me again.”
    Apparently it was, she thought. She almost giggled, she managed to stop herself just in time. She really didn’t think it was at all funny. It was more of a nervous hysterical kind of laugh. She doubted by the look on Shaun’s face he would have seen it that way though. “You were threatening to spank me for being mean to my Mom.”
    “It wasn’t a threat,” he said pointedly. “So you were mean to your Mom and then you promised to be nice. I trusted you and then you used her to make me look silly by saying that I couldn’t provide for us.”
    “I guess.” Geez, he was making it sound terrible. She hadn’t meant to humiliate him that much had she?
    “You did and you lied. You told your Mom that we couldn’t manage on one salary when you knew I had money coming in from the business.”
    Oh yeah, she had. “I’m sorry,” she said, her eyes filling with tears. She did deserve a spanking she realized, but she already knew that.
    He nodded. “I know you are.”
    Shaun guided her over both of his knees, making sure to spread his legs so there was no pressure on her bump. After putting his arm around her tightly to hold her in place he started spanking hard and fast. He didn’t want to keep her over his knee any longer than he needed to so he made each smack count.
    *              *              *
    “Holy crap!” Skye yelled after the third spank. That got her a sharp smack on her calf. Note to self, she thought. No swearing. Specially when a large man is pummelling your ass. “Stop, stop, stop. It hurts!” she begged to no avail. Skye had no idea that a spanking could hurt that much. As Shaun’s hard hand bounced off her burning bottom in rapid fire fashion she kicked and squealed and tried to wriggle away but her attempts were futile. His grip was very firm, and so were the spanks that pelted her aching bottom.
    Her mind tried to remember the stingy spanks that had titillated her when they were about to or while they WERE making love. It felt so good when Shaun had spanked her cheeks until they were warm and pink. His fingers wandering. His fingers weren’t wandering now, they knew exactly where they were going and her ass felt more like it was actually on fire than warm. She hated to admit it though, the titillation was still there. Embarrassment flushed her face again with colour that almost matched the red splotches that covered her inferno like backside. She tried to keep her legs together so Shaun wouldn’t see how his punishment had affected her but it was impossible to kick and keep your legs still at the same time. She was beside herself and could do nothing more than to burst into tears.
    Shaun HAD seen the tell-tale sign of her arousal, but he forced himself to focus his mind on what was important right now. He landed several spanks to the underside of her bottom and down the backs and insides of her thighs. When her body gave in and shook with sobs, he finished the spanking and helped her to stand. She grasped both cheeks and danced up and down on the spot.
    “I…t h…ur…ts!” she said through

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