And Then There Were Three

And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Page B

Book: And Then There Were Three by Renee Lindemann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Renee Lindemann
Tags: Romance, Sex, love, Marriage, menage, Multiple Partners, Comedy
leather panel over her breasts. The short length of the dress
accentuated her long dancer’s legs. I walked out of the dressing
room with the contrasting leather dress. The black long sleeve
leather dress hugged my curvaceous figure with a white panel
revealing my ample cleavage.
    “Sold,” Mark exclaimed pulling out his
wallet. We both giggled as the saleswoman looked at us trying to
figure out our situation. In the end she shrugged it off this
looked like a three-figure commission. We settled on the leather
dresses, two pair of shoes, and several other outfits courtesy of
my husband. It was funny when men would try to hit on us how Mark
proudly claimed us both. A few men shook his hand or shook their
heads in disgust, more at his greed than the situation. Mark was
not comfortably stepping into his role as pimp either, if that’s
what you were thinking. These were the only ladies he had ever
loved in his life and he wanted men to know they were both off
    “Excuse me you are Nicole right?” A tall
attractive man asked Nicole while she searched for dancing gear.
Mark and I were in another store nearby getting the kids
    “Um yes. Who are you?” Nicole asked looking
around nervously.
    “My daughter Danielle is in your dance class.
I am her father Marcel,” he replied extending his hand. Marcel
dropped his daughter off a few times, taking in the lovely Nicole
but usually he was in such a rush he never had time to make proper
    “Oh Mr. Hunter, so nice to see you.” Nicole
shook his hand remembering the busy father.
    “I was looking for the blue leotard for
Danielle that you requested for the next performance.” Nicole held
up her hand to indicate she had purchased several of those very
leotards. Nicole pointed out where the leotards were located in the
store before making her way to the stocking section. Once she made
her final selections she took her place in the short line. Mr.
Hunter was behind her with the blue leotard and dancing tights.
    “I hope this isn’t too forward of me Miss
Nicole, but I was wondering if you would have dinner with me
sometime?” Marcel asked his voice a bit shakier than normal. Since
his divorce he had no problem asking and receiving dates with
women. Nicole gave him a pleasant smile before indicating she did
not think that would be a good idea.
    “I am very flattered Mr. Hunter but I am
currently seeing someone,” Nicole said giving him a bright but
direct smile. Nicole has since relayed that had he made a move on
her before I walked into her studio, she would have gladly taken
his invitation. Mark and I watched this exchange and together we
wondered if we were holding her back from finding her happily ever
after. Neither of us made a move to go inside the store, as we both
felt bad for loving her so much and wanting her to ourselves. When
she exited the store we both plastered fake smiles on our
    After scoring the things the kids requested
we walked around the mall before hitting the food court for
    “Alright you two what is going on?” Nicole
asked lifting a fork of lettuce to her mouth. Mark and I both
shrugged like children not wanting to admit the source of our
    “We do not want to stop you from finding
something uh normal,” Mark managed to speak before I was able.
    “What do you mean? This is what I want. I
want both of you.” Nicole smiled giving both our hands a reassuring
    “We want this too but we saw the obvious
attraction between you and Danielle’s father. We do not want to
begrudge you a chance to find a man or a woman for that matter.” I
said those words and did not mean those words at all. Jealousy
coursed through my veins at the very thought and I fought to shake
off the green tinge.
    “He is attractive but after last night if you
two think that I could find that elsewhere you are both sorely
mistaken. I want you Eva. I want you Mark.” Nicole said with an icy
edge to her voice that

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