Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers

Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Page B

Book: Apex 2: Rise of the Super Soldiers by Adam Moon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Adam Moon
unconscious. Watson would have no absolute proof of what had happened so he’d do what was prudent: he’d place him in custody until he woke up to explain himself. This was the point of no return. If he didn’t ingest the contagion he was screwed. That realization steeled him to what he had to do. He brought the glove up to his face and breathed in. Nothing happened. The blue powder was already settled at the bottom. He tipped his head back and shook the contents towards his nose. Rather than particulate, so he could breathe it in, it simply slid towards his mouth. He heard footsteps running his way and voices calling out so he did the only thing he could do under the circumstance: he let it slide into his open mouth and he swallowed every last bit of it. It smelled like a chemical cocktail mixed with shit and it tasted like battery acid. He prayed it would still work. If so, then his ultimate goal would be realized. He’d become a superhuman.
    Just then, the teenage boy Jack appeared before him out of thin air. But he was too late because Delacourt could already feel his senses wavering like flickering, fading lights. He managed a smile right before the floor rushed up to meet his falling body. Then the world went dark.

    The crime scene had been investigated and cleaned right after Delacourt’s unconscious body had been latched to a bed in a holding cell under armed guard. It was pretty obvious what had transpired, but the military did not mete out vigilante justice so Delacourt would have a chance to defend his actions should he ever wake up. He’d most likely be shot for what he’d done.
    Watson took a seat opposite Jack in his office and said, “What did he say when you got there?”
    “I was too late. He cracked a grin and then his eyes rolled back and he hit the deck.”
    “I feel sick to my stomach. But how could I know that a seasoned Commander would do something so treasonous and reckless.”
    “He seemed like a prick but I wouldn’t have guessed he’d do something like that either.”
    Watson rubbed his temples. “We don’t have any of the contagion left to synthesize now. He ate all of it. Between us, I hope it kills him.”
    Jack got a pained look. “If it doesn’t, guns alone might not be enough to stop him if he acquires any abilities.”
    “I don’t suppose I can talk you and Melanie into sticking around for a while longer?” He hated to ask but he had so few options available.
    Jack scratched his head and shifted in his seat uncomfortably. “I don’t see how we have much choice. If he was evil enough to kill that man, I think it’s best if we’re around when he wakes up. I can contain him, or remove him if he gets unruly. But I can only speak for myself. You’ll have to ask Melanie if she’ll stay.”
    Watson nodded.  Then he said, “Ever since that man came into my life, it’s been a maelstrom of chaos and mayhem.”
    Jack snorted. “I have a bad feeling that this is just the beginning.”
    Watson looked like he wanted to cry.

    Shaylo’s ship was orbiting Earth at twice the distance of the moon’s orbit. He was no coward but he was no fool either. Those creatures had defeated the first invasion with relative ease. That had never been done before. They had scouted the planet long ago and deemed the inhabitants to be inferior in every way. So how had they done the impossible?
    He said to his new first mate, “I want visual surveillance of as many population centers as possible. I want audio communications translated wherever you feel it’s necessary. I also want all anomalous activity investigated. They must have weapons we know nothing about. I want as much intel on those weapons as possible before we invade. ”
    “Yes sir.” The new first mate had no idea how to do any of that but she wasn’t about to tell that to Shaylo. She just had to learn fast and make no mistakes as she went. Her life depended on it.
    Shaylo sighed. “You might as well see

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