
Baby by J. K. Accinni Page A

Book: Baby by J. K. Accinni Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. K. Accinni
Tags: english eBooks
Netty got ready for bed. As she undressed, she slowly looked critically at herself. She was quite striking with her golden eyes and long gold and brown hair. The changing of her eyes happened so gradually, she just accepted it without much question. Her hands slipped down to her bottom where the growth was becoming elongated and supple. It was easy to hide under her skirts for now. Yes, for now. Would it continue to grow? She no longer feared the growth would kill her. But she did fear the change it might bring to her body. And of course, how did she expose it to anyone. She refused to let anyone observe the freak she might become. That was unthinkable.
    Before she snuffed out her candle, she played with Baby on the bed. She liked to tickle his tummy. He did not have the capability to laugh, but he loved to stroke her face with his elongated leathery fingers. He loved tangling his golden crown of antlers in her hair. When it got to be too tangled, she would pick him up by his feet and shake him loose. He could not get enough of it. Quietly, she soothed him down for sleep, murmuring love sounds to him as she drew the warm quilt over them, blowing out the lantern.
    The next morning was sunny and warmer. Clearly, the winter was coming to an end. Her orchard would be sprouting leaves. Her tilling and planting would start all over. Bread must bake, pies to make, butter to churn, and winter repair money to earn. Her little herd still needed her attention; immediately.
    Wil hovered over the morning fire as she entered the kitchen.
    “You look good this morning, Wil. I mean, you look recovered.” Her face flamed with self-consciousness.
    “I feel good. How ‘bout I help you turn out the herd? I can check the campsite in the woods and see if anything got left behind.” Wil sounded eager and she needed to start getting some work accomplished.
    “All right, we can bring lunch with us. I need to check my fence posts to assess what the snow brought down.”
    “Netty, why don’t we bring a few tools with us, I can fix any damage we find?”
    “Oh, Wil, I would be so grateful. Repairing the fences takes so much time. I usually do not find the time until the fields are planted. Now, I will not have to worry about the cows wandering.” Netty was secretly relieved that Baby would now have plenty of time to get outside to do his eating.
    Netty packed a big lunch for them in a basket, adding large jars of fresh milk. Slipping in an extra generous slice of her rhubarb pie, she was reminded she must get back to her baking. A large order awaited. It must be complete within a few days if she wanted to get the order to town on time. She really did not have any more time to fritter away as she got to know her house guest, pleasant as it was.
    Loading up the tools from the barn, Wil tied their burden across Maggie’s saddle blanket. What a relief not to be forced to drag everything to the field . There would be plenty to do once they arrived. Much would be accomplished if they were fresh, and of course, having Wil’s strong shoulders will make the job go twice as fast. They set off for the pasture following the well-worn cow path.
    Netty surveyed the pasture as the cows filtered in. She noticed the gate needed some reinforcing, the list now quite pronounced. Scanning down the field, she counted the downed trees. Naturally, many of them landed on her fence, damaging the rails.
    “Don’t worry, Netty, I can have some of those saplings trimmed out and that mess cleaned up in no time. I think we will be up here working for most of the day, though.” They set to work. What would have taken Netty days of struggle, took no time at all with Wil’s help. She admired his skill. Everything he touched turned out perfectly. Sure was good to have a professional on the job.
    The day wore on, with Netty and Wil only stopping for a very late lunch. While Wil gulped down her rhubarb pie, he commented on an idea he wanted her to consider. His plan should

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