
Battlefield by J. F. Jenkins Page B

Book: Battlefield by J. F. Jenkins Read Free Book Online
Authors: J. F. Jenkins
Do not do any major harm to him, or kill him. I want him to be an example. I don’t want him to forget this.” And then she disappeared from sight, no doubt to return to her ship.
    The girl locked the black door behind her, and vines began to grow from her skin. Long, thick, dark green vines reached their way toward Alan. A small smirk played on her lips, and then the vines lashed towards him fiercely. He did his best to dodge them, but without his own abilities he was useless. One vine made contact with his chest, and he was flung across the room, landing on a table. The papers covering it were strewn across the floor upon contact.
    â€œI don’t mean any—” Alan stopped as another vine flashed by his side and struck a piano with enough force to tear the keys off of it with one melodic crash. He shielded his face from the debris. “You don’t need to do this.”
    â€œI do if you’ve upset her,” she said and another launched past him and stabbed a drum before it was tossed into what looked like a large locker. She then lashed out again, and this vine wrapped around him tightly before drawing him in closer. “Stay out of our business. You don’t understand it.”
    The boy, who had done nothing but watch up until this point, moved close to Alan. He was forced to make eye contact with him, and the instant they did he could feel his mind drifting away from consciousness.
    â€œCarrot,” the boy whispered.
    For a moment, Alan wondered what an orange root had to do with anything, but soon his mind drifted to a new place. All he could think about was carrots.

Chapter Eight
    â€œSo Orlando couldn’t break out to help us tonight because Alan wants him to do research?” Cadence asked as she and JD walked along the long path connecting the Lunar Falls High School parking lot to their football field.
    â€œThat’s what he said. I mean, cool and all, but it seems kind of weird. I’m not sure if I’m buying it,” JD said with a shrug. The two walked quickly, both trying to stay warm. They were going to spy on Orlando, and hopefully talk to him during the halftime break. Cadence, naturally, thought it was immature; she said so several times to JD over the course of the night. He ignored her. Besides they had nothing better to do, and if Orlando was told to go by Alan, then why shouldn’t they be there, too?
    â€œI don’t know why Alan didn’t say anything. Why wouldn’t he bounce by to tell us, too? That’s not like him. He’s always so into our business, magically popping into my bedroom in the middle of the night to try and get me to go out and fight evildoers,” JD said.
    The two paused their conversation as they approached the ticket booth. Cadence stared at him expectantly.
    â€œThis was your idea,” she said.
    With a groan, JD dug around in his wallet for six dollars to pay for the tickets. “Do I look like I’m made of money here? ‘Cause I’m not, you know.”
    â€œAsk for reimbursement from Orlando then, when we catch up with him if it’s such a big deal,” she said, rolling her eyes.
    â€œBelieve me, I will. Anyway, we need to have a talk with Alan about popping in and out randomly. This is America, ya know?” The two made their way to the visitor bleachers.
    â€œYeah, he walked in on me in the shower the other day. He didn’t realize I took them at night. Not like he has any respect for personal privacy either, because he didn’t think anything of it. I guess where he’s from, people aren’t very modest.” She found a spot in the middle of the stands. Hardly anyone was there.
    â€œNo, really?” JD gasped mockingly. He wasn’t sure what to say to her about Alan invading the bathroom. She didn’t seem to like it, so he didn’t feel the need to address it. If she had, then he may have inquired further. “I mean, the guy

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