Believing Lies

Believing Lies by Rachel Everleigh Page A

Book: Believing Lies by Rachel Everleigh Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Everleigh
be more to it because Conner told me that Adam got really irritated when he saw you kissing Trenton on the beach.” She hit me with a pillow, catching me completely off guard. “And I want it noted for the record that I was watching the whole thing from the Jeep, and I was pissed off as well. Why the hell did you do that?” She gave me the stink eye. I hated when she gave me the stink eye.
    “I didn’t,” I defensively replied. “I gave him a kiss on the cheek as a goodbye gesture, and he used the moment to kiss me.”
    “Ah, makes much more sense now. I was worried you were taking him back.” I shook my head softly. “So back to what happened,” she continued, “Conner said they saw me walking back to you, and they realized that you and Trenton were fighting. You obviously know what happened when they came by us and, of course, the punch!” She fist punched the air. “Damn, I was so happy when Adam punched Trenton. I was two seconds away from doing it myself.”
    My eyes grew to the size of saucers. “You could have broken a nail,” I said, an attempt at a joke.
    “Pfft. It would’ve been worth it.” She gave me a halfhearted smile before letting out a long sigh. “Maybe I’m out of line on this, but I think overall Trenton is still a good guy deep down. I’ve never disliked him before this week. But after cheating on you, I can’t believe he had it in him to say those things. He needs to get his shit together. I really hope it was just the hurt talking.” Me too .
    I was almost afraid to ask but did anyway, “Did Conner say what happened after we left?”
    “Oh yeah he did. Male testosterone flew rampant, and Adam and Trenton beat the shit out of each other.”
    “But when we left they were being held apart.”
    “Conner said they broke free and went back at it until the guys could restrain them again. Conner finally calmed Adam down enough to get him back to the truck.”
    “This is unreal. Are they okay?” My gut was in a knot waiting for the answer.
    “Adam is pretty banged up. Conner thinks Trenton is just as bad, if not worse.” I winced at the thought of them both physically hurt.
    “This is spiraling so out of hand. I just want my life to be normal again. I don’t know how much more I can take.” I crashed my face onto the bed and covered my head with my pillow, giving myself a moment to think.
    “Stop being a child.” Sophie pulled the pillow off my head and threw it on the floor. “What’s the plan now?”
    What’s the plan? That was a loaded question if ever I’d heard one. Screw it. Time to face the music . Instead of answering her, I reached over to the nightstand and picked up my phone. Tentatively, I hit the power button. I was instantly blown away by the sheer number of missed messages: sixty three texts and twenty two voicemails. It was overwhelming to think about how long it would take to go through all of them. I was sick of being overwhelmed, so I deleted the whole history. I dialed Trenton, and he answered on the third ring. Sophie must’ve decided it was best to leave me to do this on my own and left the room, shutting the door behind her.
    “I don’t know why I’m answering your call right now. Nice to see your phone works again.” He sounded melancholy but also bitter.
    “Are you okay?” I barely breathed.
    He remained calm as he asked, “What do you think, Sienna? I just lost the love of my life, and I’m sitting here alone in my bedroom, bleeding and bruised from getting in a fight with your new fuck-face boyfriend. How would you feel if you were me?”
    “I’m sorry. I never meant for any of that to happen. I may not be physically bleeding and bruised, but you hurt me in other ways today. And he’s not my boyfriend, not even close. And you know damn well that I didn’t sleep with him.” There was a deafening silence. I pulled my phone away from my ear and glanced at the screen to make sure the call hadn’t dropped. It hadn’t.

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