Black Sea Affair

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Book: Black Sea Affair by Don Brown Read Free Book Online
Authors: Don Brown
freighter goes down, every ship in the Russian Black Sea fleet will be hunting every inch of water looking for the vessel that attacked it. If we stop under the Volga River to reattach, every Russian and Turkish chopper in their respective air forces will be on the freighter like white on rice. We'll try to get out, but we may have to scrap the sub.
    "A moment ago, I said that this crew will be moved to rubber lifeboats as the sub sinks. Speedboats will be deployed from obscure ports in Turkey, Bulgaria, and Romania to search for our crew. If we are found, we will be taken back to the shorelines of those respective countries, where the plan is to smuggle us ashore, circumventing customs, and then we will be transported to the United States embassies in those respective countries.
    "If we are fortunate enough to make it that far, we could be in for a long stay within the sanctuary of those embassies. We would be evacuated under diplomatic immunity, in very small numbers to avoid suspicion, over a long period of time. In other words, by bringing only two or three of us out per month, it could take up to three years before they can get us all home.
    "Now all that is true if they find us out there in our floating rafts before our food and water supply runs out."
    Pete ran his hand through his hairline. "Of course if they don't find us . . ." He let that sentence trail off. "Well, as you know, it is a pretty big body of water out there. And with the currents and the weather . . ."
    He let that comment hang. A cloud floated across the sun.
    He pulled the Garrison cap from his belt, adjusted it on his head, donned a pair of shades, and spoke with the sharpest military bearing he could muster.
    "Gentlemen, with no pressure, and no obligation, and no dishonor if you say no, I say to you this day that your country needs you. If you're prepared to go with me on your last voyage, understanding that there will be no glory, and finally, understanding that the price for saving thousands and perhaps even millions may be your own lives -- then signify your acceptance of your responsibility by taking one step forward."
    There was a pause. For a frozen moment in eternity the wind swirled in the silence. There was no movement in the line.
    And then, on the far left, a step forward.
    Two steps forward in the left center.
    At the right end, and right center, the clicking steps of leather soles echoed against the concrete.
    Wind whipped into the American flag at the end of the pier, energizing it with a fury. Then the Italian flag flying beside it came to life. Perhaps even the wind recognized that Old Glory was still the leader of the world.
    They stepped forward, one by one, in the front and back lines. And when the wind had subsided, the movement of the four human lines was finished.
    Every single man, now standing at crisp attention, had stepped forward.
    Pete struggled for his words, but choked on the lump welling in his throat. He gripped the podium, squeezing it. A sub commander must not show tears to his crew.
    "Never have I witnessed such bravery as is displayed in the sight before me." He inhaled deeply, then exhaled. "I thank each one of you for what you have done."
    "Thank you, Skipper!" one of them shouted.
    "We're with you to the end, sir, " another called.
    He held his hands out, palms down, signaling that no more public comments were necessary.
    "We'll get underway at sixteen hundred hours. That's two hours before sundown, gentlemen. Our orders are to sail, to submerge, and then to await orders from the president."
    Each man stood at attention, eyes forward.
    "Any questions?"
    There were none.
    "You are dismissed."
    The White House

    11:00 a.m. local time

    Douglas MacArthur Williams, having been raised at Fort Leavenworth, Kansas, and named for one of the greatest generals in American history, was the son of a career Army officer.
    From the anteroom just beside the Oval Office, that same Douglas MacArthur Williams, now president of

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