Blissful Devastation (Leighton Lock Chronicles #1)

Blissful Devastation (Leighton Lock Chronicles #1) by A.T. Smith Page A

Book: Blissful Devastation (Leighton Lock Chronicles #1) by A.T. Smith Read Free Book Online
Authors: A.T. Smith
if I ever can. Just please give me the money so I can start a life with my son.” I explain to her, not even really looking at my father, unable to bear
the sight of his cheating face. It’s all just a mask with him, he is able to
cover his true self so easily.
    “I’ll get your father to transfer it over later, son. I want
you to have the best life you can, and your little boy. You deserve the world
kid. Go and live it, take everything you can.” My mum tells me, her eyes
tearing and finally releasing a small drop. I can't help but think something is
wrong, her little goodbye a little too final for my liking.
    “Mum, is everything ok?” I ask her, bending to look at her,
her skin white and wrinkled, her cheek bones far too prominent and her
collarbone poking out a little.
    “Yes, everything is fine. I'm just glad I got to see you,
before...” she doesn’t finish her sentence, she begins coughing hard, the
rattle in her chest causing concern to me.
    “Mum, mum. What’s wrong?” I ask her nervously, tapping her
back to help her clear her chest.
    “Nothing, nothing Leighton. I'm fine. You get going son, but
please, look after yourself and your baby, treasure him like I should have
you.” I raise my eyebrow at my father over my mum’s back, as she remains bent
over trying to breathe.
    “Don't fucking lie to the boy, Cassandra.” My father bites
out to my mother, sitting casually back in his chair, drinking his own drink,
smoking a cigar.
    “No, not now.” She attempts to shout back. “Just go, kid, go
back to Antonio’s and be with Joseph. You will have your money later. There
will be enough to get yourself set up.”
    “No, I’m not leaving until you tell me what the fuck is
going on.” I say frustrated to both my parents. “Now.” I shout.
    “Go on Cass, tell him, he deserves to know.” My father
orders my mum.
    “He doesn’t need to know, it’s none of his concern.” She
explains to my dad, talking as though I’m not here.
    “Fine, I’ll tell him you stupid woman.” My father’s attitude
makes me livid and in need of seriously hurting him.
    “Don't fucking talk to her like that, you piece of shit.” I
threaten my father.
    “Your mother is dying, Leighton, a bit over due if you ask
me, but she doesn’t have long to live.” He smiles at me maliciously.
    “No. No you cannot be. He’s lying. Please mum, please tell
me he is lying?” I beg her, falling to my knees in front of her. She collapses
with me, her knees hitting the carpet harshly.
    “I'm sorry, so fucking sorry, Leighton.” She tells me,
dropping her head and lifting her hands to cry into them.
    “No mum, please, you can't go, please I’m begging you.” I
begin to cry myself, wrapping my arms around her to hold her body. Only as her
tiny frame collapses into me do I realise how skinny she actually is, how much
weight she has lost. Her bones are easily visible through her paper like skin,
her skin cracked and bruised.
    “Sorry.” She says again. I don't know why she is
apologising, she has done nothing wrong, not bad enough to deserve this anyway.
    “Oh, stop fucking crying, there’s nothing you can do.” My
dad says from across the room, causing a growl to travel through me.
    I stand from my mum, leaving her on the floor. I rush across
the room, pulling my father from his chair. I hold him by his scruff, getting
into his face. “I am leaving now, I am taking my mother with me, you come near
us, or her again, if I hear one word from you, then you are a fucking dead man.
I will come for you, I will tear ever limb from your fucking body leaving you
to bleed out like the fucking cowardly cunt you are.” I warn my father, forcing
my forehead into his nose, his body flopping into the chair. Blood gushes from
his broken nose, his body out cold and limp in the chair.
    “Mum, please come with me, you can't stay here with him. I
need to care for you.” I beg her, lifting her weak frame from the floor, unable
to lift

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