Blood and Snow 5: Prey and Magic

Blood and Snow 5: Prey and Magic by Rashelle Workman Page A

Book: Blood and Snow 5: Prey and Magic by Rashelle Workman Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rashelle Workman
sank them into the tender skin on his neck.
    His blood filled my mouth and I swallow ed the coppery warmth hungrily. Professor Pops ’ words paraded across my mind. “Promise me you won’t drink for more than ten seconds.” Internally, I counted to ten. Eleven. Twelve. I released Kevin. He lay unconscious, his breathing normal.
    But I wasn’t satisfied. I wanted more. I needed to be numb. Quickly I moved to Ashley. Lifting her into my arms, she stirred.
    “Kevin.” Her eyes fluttered opened and then widened momentarily.
    “It’s okay, Ashley.” Her pupils dilated, and I knew she was mine to do with as I pleased. “Let me see your neck.”
    She lifted her head, exposing her milky flesh. When my fangs sank into her neck, she gasped, and grabbed my head, pulling me closer. I drank greedily, until her arms went lax.
    I had to push the ten-count limit. It was hard enough to stop at twelve. Releasing Ashley, I laid her on the blanket next to Kevin. They seemed so peaceful. The bite marks would heal quickly, the venom I released with my bite like a liquid cure. All that would remain would be a bruise. Ashley and Kevin wouldn’t remember me either, but I would remember them.
    “You’re very good. Most of the Marked don’t have the strength to pull back before a human die s.”

Chapter 3
    I backed up at the sound of her voice, all of the newfound powe r and grace I recently obtained vanished. Did she know what I was? What I’d done? She must. She said I was Marked. That meant she had to know something. Her face was hidden in the shadow of a large hood. Gingerly standing, I wiped sand off my pants, moving in front of the unconscious bodies.
    “ Wh -what?” That was all I could eek out. It felt like some of the sand from the beach had been poured down my throat.
    “Don’t be demure, Snow White.” She took a step forward. The moonlight caught her blood red lips. They were curled into a smile.
    In that moment, I knew that before me stood the Vampire Qu een. “I’m not. I wasn’t. I mean I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
    She laughed, low and creepy . F licking the hood off he r head, exposing her jet-black hair , she sighed. “Of course you do.”
    For some reason, knowing who she was—the Vampire Queen—made me relax. Made me feel more human, and less of a monster. It was as though a heavy burden lifted from my soul. She wouldn’t judge me. With her I had nothing to fear. At least not right now .
    I felt drawn to her. If anyone understood what I’d done to Gabe, and what I’d just done to the humans, it was her . Moving closer , I said, “You’re right. I do.”
    At my words she placed an icy cold hand around my wrist. “Come, I have much to show you.”
    “Okay,” I responded, though I didn’t need to. We were already in her realm. Sharra. Inside the castle, in the room Christopher and I spent the night together . My hand went to my throat; searching aimlessly for the necklace he’d left me. The one I’d tossed away like garbage . The one I was told was meant to destroy the Vampire Queen, and restore balance. I shivered. Afraid. The room looked exactly the same. The lush, golden bedding, even the magical mirror. F ragrant air filled my lungs. This is where I belong , I thought.
    The Vampire Queen released my w rist. “Why don’t you freshen up? ” She indicated a bathroom I hadn’t noticed before.
    “Are you leaving?” I’d been alone for several days. Maybe even weeks. I wasn’t sure, but it felt like an eternity. Her presence seemed to chase away the memories, the guilt.
    “As soon as you’ve cleaned up I’ll be back. I promise.” She walked to the door, and was gone.
    I went into the bathroom, which was as big as my house, and sat on a golden chair in front of a gilded mirror. The reflection staring back was scary, and I flinched. My short, black hair was tangled and matted. Dirt streaked my face. My clothes were dingy and caked with… blood, and

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