Blood Bride (Aarabassa World)

Blood Bride (Aarabassa World) by Catherine L Vickers Page B

Book: Blood Bride (Aarabassa World) by Catherine L Vickers Read Free Book Online
Authors: Catherine L Vickers
forward with his incessant demands. Even with the reading of these clues, Heimarl did not know the identity of ‘He Who Sleeps’. Nor could he stop the Emperor from performing the ritual that would result in the destruction of the Wall.  All that he had learned was that there surely existed a way, a means, a method, to destroy the Wall. Also, it was obvious that the Emperor was aware of this very same information. Now, more than ever before, it was time. It was the time for the Lightland’s Council to unite and face this dire threat, together. They needed a strategy. They needed the strength of all their armies. Now, aware of his foe’s intentions, he understood the threat fully. Now was the time for a battle that would finally stop this evil from encompassing all of Aarabassa.

13                 The Circle
    I t is difficult to measure time in the Darklands. The sun does not circle or shine upon the lands as it does on the other side of this formidable world. The event of the two moons crossing over the summit of the mid-mountain horizon, is named a Moonpass. Many creatures of the Dark lands are of a spiritual substance and do not live by any measurement of wakefulness or sleep. Vamplins, however, are not spiritual and exist with similar habits as humans. Their sleeping and eating habits are influenced by whichever of the moons is in position in their silver grey skies. The Darklands do benefit a little from the sun’s rays, as they reflect from the passing moons onto the ice and snow to create an eerie silver grey haze over all the lands.
    Heather calculated that three moonwakes must have elapsed since they had passed through the Wall. The dragons had remained in their protective circle formation, for safety. They appeared as if in slumber to any passing observer, but their senses tuned in to every movement the surrounding vamplins and monshaads made. 
    This was her first experience of meeting with the creatures of the Dark Side. She observed with her magic skills, that the monshaads could take a vague shape of a human, appearing as if cloaked with full length robes, hooded heads and long sleeves to cover their hands. She also noted that whenever the monshaads came close, there was a foul acidic aroma about their presence.
    The vamplin creatures also appeared human-like in shape but taller and all were muscular, yet slender. Their pure white long hair matched their pale skin, which seemed as white as snow.  They were elegant beings but Heather could not come to terms with the drinking of a creatures’ blood as sustenance, her human instincts still ruled her heart.
    The vamplin hounds appeared more ferocious with fur hanging in clumps from large boney bodies. They were untidy, dirty creatures, obviously feeding on the pickings of their masters. They reminded Heather of a very large skinny dog, though these creatures were much uglier. They appeared capable of walking on two elongated hind legs, though she doubted their ability to remain in this position for long, as it looked unnatural to their formation. Often, Heather noted, they stood upright searching, with red bulging bloodshot eyes, for any weakened creature that they could latch their fangs into and pump the warm blood to feed. Her attention turned to a frantic basca who screeched at a hound in protest of its very presence. It seemed even these huge bats did not like the hounds either. She observed in silence as the basca spread its enormous wingspan, threatening to take off in flight.  The basca calmed with a passing vamplin’s presence, which also appeared fond of the bascas and showed dislike of the hounds.
    There was much to fear in these lands yet Heather felt calm whenever the vamplins were near, though she could not yet judge if they were  friend or foe.
    Heather had closed herself off to Mindtalk but was quickly learning that dragons had other means of communication. Breathing patterns, whistles of the nostrils, movements

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