Bodyguard (Shifters Unbound #2.5)
"permission" to dance with Ellison, but it was nice to think that
Ronan was there for her. If she was going to have anyone stand up
for her, Ronan was a good person to do it.
    Meanwhile, she had fun dancing with Ellison.
For the first time since the robbery, Elizabeth relaxed. She
realized that no one was going to come into this bar and threaten
her or try to kill her, not with Ronan on guard and this many
Shifters in here. Marquez or whoever he sent wouldn't make it a
step inside the door.
    Strange to think that in a Shifter bar right
outside of Shiftertown, she was safe. She decided to enjoy the
feeling while she had it.
    The bar closed at two, but when Elizabeth
finally stopped dancing at midnight and sat down, she was
    "Mabel, let's go home. I mean, to Ronan's
    Mabel looked at her in surprise across the
table. "Are you kidding me? The night is young."
    Mabel, at least, was good about not drinking
too much. She enjoyed a beer or two, but she liked talking to
people and dancing more.
    "You lazed around all day," Elizabeth said.
"I need some sleep."
    "Go, then. Connor or Liam will get me home.
Or Glory."
    Mabel had adapted to Shiftertown quickly. But
then, Mabel had always liked Shifters.
    In the end, Andrea and Sean walked Elizabeth
home. When Elizabeth said good night to Ronan on the way out, he
stopped her and drew her into his arms for a big hug.
    Ronan's arms were strong and lifted Elizabeth
off her feet, but as he'd been at the house earlier that morning,
he was as gentle as gentle could be. Elizabeth found herself
looking into his big face, at his scarred nose and his warm brown
eyes. She felt not only safe in his arms, but right . As
though she belonged there.
    He touched a kiss to her lips--brief and
tender, almost chaste, but the spark behind it held heat.
    "I'll be home soon, Lizzie-girl," he
    "Good," was all Elizabeth could think to
    Ronan set her down and gave her another brief
kiss. "Go on, now."
    Sean and Andrea waited a discreet distance
away. When Elizabeth caught up to them, she saw that both of them
looked amused.
    "Is something funny?" Elizabeth asked,
    They started walking through the field that
led to Shiftertown. "No," Andrea said. She was a wolf Shifter,
Ellison had told her--like Ellison himself. A Lupine. She had gray
eyes, as Ellison did. She was very pregnant, but she walked swiftly
and strongly, as though she barely noticed her condition. "Ronan's
a good friend."
    "And a good man," Sean said, his Irish lilt
like music in the night. "He's done me many a good turn. Now he's
doing you one."
    Elizabeth nodded. "I know he is."
    Sean merely looked at her, his eyes speaking
    "Wait a minute," Elizabeth said in amazement.
"Are you worried that I'll hurt Ronan ? Well, you
don't need to be. He's helping me out, and I'm grateful. When this
is over, I'll pay him back. That's all."
    "That's not what I'm seeing," Sean said.
Moonlight shone on his sword, a weapon, but one of great beauty.
"I'm seeing a lonely Shifter looking at a woman like he might have
a chance at some happiness. If you're not looking like that back at
him, tell him now. Put him out of his misery."
    "I only met him last night," Elizabeth said.
"Give us a break."
    Andrea said, "It can happen fast. You look at
each other, and you know ." She rested her hand on her
abdomen and shot a look at Sean. He caught it. A lover's look,
exchanging secrets without exchanging words.
    "You two need to be alone?" Elizabeth joked.
"Seriously. I like Ronan. I have no plans to hurt him. I might not
be able to have a relationship with him, but I won't hurt him. I
promise you that. I like him too much."
    Sean's eyes glittered. "Why can't you?"
    "Why can't I what? Have a relationship with
him, you mean?" Elizabeth shrugged, her shoulders tight. "I don't
know. Things don't always work out. I haven't been very good at
relationships in the past. In fact, I suck at them."
    "You hold people at arm's length," Sean

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