Bodyguard (Shifters Unbound #2.5)
"Don't look surprised, lass. I see you doing it. Even with your
sister. But I'm glad to not hear you say, Because he's
Shifter. "
    "He being a Shifter makes it more of a
challenge," Elizabeth said. "But obviously, it can be done. Liam
and Kim. Ellison says the waitress Annie is going out with a human.
And all those groupies sure want it to happen."
    "So, why not, then?" Sean asked. "Everyone's
bad at relationships until you find the relationship worth fighting
for. Or maybe you're already married? Is that the big secret you
don't want to tell Liam?"
    "What? No," Elizabeth said forcefully. "No, I
never married anyone. That I can promise."
    "Then what?"
    "Sean," Andrea broke in. "Leave the poor
woman alone. Not every female has to fall for the hot, sexy,
alpha-male Shifter."
    Sean blinked. "Why not? I thought we were
    "You're a comedian, Sean Morrissey," Andrea
    Sean dropped the subject, and Elizabeth
walked without speaking after that, enjoying the banter between the
other two. She'd never had that kind of bantering fun with a
man--except, she realized, with Ronan.
    Sean and Andrea walked her all the way to
Ronan's house, where Elizabeth said good night. She had to say good
night the Shifter way, she realized, when Andrea gave her a warm,
cushy hug, and Sean caught her around the shoulders one-armed and
pulled Elizabeth hard against him.
    Andrea didn't seem to think it unusual that
her mate hugged another woman. They walked off together, very
close, but not touching--alert to fight if necessary?
    Rebecca was still up and told Elizabeth
cheerfully that there was supper still hot in the kitchen.
Elizabeth found a gigantic soup pot half full of thick beef and
barley soup, a huge loaf of bread, and jars of five different
flavors of jam to go with the bread.
    Hungry, Elizabeth ladled soup into a bowl and
threw a piece of bread on top of it. "How does Ronan afford to feed
all of you on a bouncer's paycheck?"
    Rebecca gave her a nonchalant shrug. "I guess
we're good shoppers."
    "Sorry," Elizabeth said quickly. "It's none
of my business."
    "No worries." Rebecca caught up a large
purse. "Speaking of that, I need to go out. Will you watch Olaf for
me? He's usually asleep by now, but he's a little keyed up because
you and Mabel are staying here. He likes company. Cherie's spending
the night with a friend, and I don't want to leave him alone."
    "Sure," Elizabeth said readily.
    Rebecca hesitated. "If you'd rather not, I
can wait for Ronan."
    Elizabeth took a bite of soup and found it
delicious. "No, no. That's fine. I like Olaf. You go . . . shop." When all the stores are closed. Hmm.
    "Thanks." Rebecca breezed out, banging the
door behind her.
    Olaf was in the living room watching
television. The TV was an old model--no flat screens or HD for
Shifters. A rerun of a seventies comedy was playing. Olaf wasn't so
much watching it as standing in front of the screen, staring at the
people on it as though trying to figure out what on earth they were
    "I like this one," Elizabeth said. "One of
the ladies I lived with when I was little loved this show. She was
nice." In retrospect Elizabeth knew she should have been kinder to
the woman, but Elizabeth had been so afraid of being split up from
Mabel that she'd been prickly and defensive. The sweet old lady had
understood that, Elizabeth saw now.
    Olaf listened as though Elizabeth imparted
great wisdom, then he abandoned the television and climbed up onto
the sofa beside her. Olaf was nine, Ronan had said, but he acted
younger. Maybe because Shifters matured at a much slower rate than
humans, or maybe because Olaf had been through a lot.
    As Olaf seated himself against Elizabeth, she
noted that his white-blond hair bore tiny blue streaks. Mabel .
    Elizabeth was tired, but she was happy to eat
the terrific soup and have the warmth of Olaf beside her. This
reminded her of what she and Mabel would do in the bad old days,
sitting tightly side-by-side as though that would

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