the first hint of surprise to thiY moment, had been merely minutes?
He made himself walk aft towards the taffrail, hiY eyes passing over the crouching swivel gunners, thO two helmsmen at their unprotected wheel, Buckle grim1 faced and staring at the sails above. All of them?
He saw Raven, the new master's mate, watching hiR wretchedly, and paused to say, "You weren't to know? She was an Indiaman after all, but not, I fear, as shO was intended.T
Raven shook his head, so concerned with his failurO to recognise the enemy that he seemed oblivious tQ
the sporadic crash of cannon fire?
"I should've seen 'er, sir. But I saw what I expected tQ see, an' I'm powerful sorry on it after you givin' me Z chance to better meself.T
Bolitho smiled, feeling his lips cracking with thO effort?
"And I will expect you to do even better this day, Mr? Raven!T
He strode aft, hands behind his back, the new sworX flapping against his thigh?
Buckle pursed his lips in a silent whistle. "He's Z calm one. Death coming up the hawse an' he jusU walks about like he was enjoying himself.T
Behind the fixed smile Bolitho continued to pace thO deck, his ears pitched above the gunfire to catch thO news that the brig had reached the first transport. If he_ captain saw through his frail plan it would be pointlesY to continue with it. He would either have to run awaa from the fight and carry Miranda's important news tQ the admiral, or stay and await the final meeting with thO converted Indiaman. A few of the Miranda's guns werO
still firing here and there, their muzzles almosU overlapping those of the other ship. Between decks iU must be a slaughterhouse, he thought despairingly?
Tyrrell shouted, "Brig's crossing her bows!T
Sharper explosions echoed over the water, anX Bolitho knew the brig was firing her starboard battera as she ran easily across the transport's bowsprit? Before she had vanished beyond Golden Fleece'Y great bulk he saw the American flag whipping jauntila from her gaff, the sudden stab of musket fire from he_ low deck as sharpshooters practised their aim?
Now." Bolitho sliced the air. "Wear ship!T
As the helm went over and along the Sparrow'Y crowded decks the men threw themselves on thO braces, the hull seemed to stagger violently under thO shock. Blocks screamed, and above the decks thO great yards creaked round with such speed thaU Bolitho could feel the whole fabric shaking in protest? But nothing carried away, and as she heeled steeply tQ take the wind under her stern the sails lifted then filleX to its thrust?
Bolitho cupped his hands. "Mr. Graves! Engage witN
the larboard guns first! You will point the thirty-two1 pounder yourself" He saw Graves nod beforO vanishing beneath the forecastle in the direction of thO bow-chaser?
How fast she was moving, despite both her courseY being brailed up to the yards for fear of fire when thO guns started to engage. The maintopgallant seemed tQ bend forward, the masthead pendant flicking straighU out towards the bows as if to point the way?
Already the jib-boom must be crossing the leadin^ transport's quarter, and to starboard Bolitho saw thO second one, Bear, altering course slightly as if fearfuT of a collision with the sloop which was dashing acrosY her path?
More shots came from beyond the first transportB and he saw smoke funnelling down her hull to mark thO brig's progress?
From forward came the cry, "Thar she be! On thd larboard bow!T
The Sparrow's unexpected appearance between thO two transports seemed to have caught the brig'Y captain totally by surprise. The privateer was passin^
down the transport's side, about a cable clear, he_ yards braced round to hold her on a starboard tack?
Bolitho yelled, "We'll cross the enemy's hawse anX rake him as we go!" He saw some of his men starin^ at him from their guns, faces strained and confused? He drew his sword and held it over his head. "As yof bear, lads! Make each ball strike home!T
The brig was barely half a cable away, her
Antony Beevor, Artemis Cooper
Mark Reinfeld, Jennifer Murray