Bombshell - Men of Sanctuary Series, Book Three
thrust up, she twisted down harder, wrapped her arms around his neck, pressed her breasts against his chest. She mashed her mouth against his; he felt her breath hitch the same instant that her pussy went wild. His hands on her ass cheeks pulled her even more tightly against him.
    She threw back her head and called out his name.

Chapter Six
    Keko power-walked for about two hundred yards down the par course trail, then eased off a bit.
    What does he expect from me? Pronouncements of love and devotion? More kismet?
    More destiny? Keko was fairly sure the concepts that worked so splendidly within Sanctuary for Lorelei and her lovers didn’t usually work as well in the real world. I have a solid business. I’m into my job. With Dad gone, our people depend on me to keep their lives going smoothly. I have Kamaka, and we make a great team. She was smart enough to know their liaison wasn’t a permanent solution—Kamaka deserved his own life, not to spend his time babysitting her. Until then, the symbiotic relationship worked for both of them.
    More a treadmill gal than a runner, Keko strolled along the two-mile path with an unintended walking buddy. Apparently, the cat had decided Keko needed company.
    A dog would run ahead, make giant circles, and sniff out everything of importance until he was exhausted. The cat simply followed at Keko’s heels, meowing pathetically, tail held high, with its tip twitching.
    “Look, critter, you can go back to the lodge if you’re that miserable. Go chase mice or something. No one is forcing you on this march.”
    The cat responded with another dismal meow .
    Keko had grabbed a couple of protein bars, headed out the back door before anyone else woke. When she’d padded through the great room, a woman’s sweater and long skirt were hanging off the back of the sofa. She wanted to be out of the lodge before anyone else was up and moving—she wasn’t sure she could pull off ignoring what would surely be Lorelei’s satisfied look at breakfast, after hearing the sounds of pleasure throughout the night from her hosts and hostess.
    She also didn’t want to deal with her new friends’ awareness of what transpired between her and MacBride throughout the night. Could she meet Lucian’s and Adam’s knowing glances at the kitchen table, after they most likely heard her howl like a she-wolf while she’d been impaled on MacBride’s cock, writhing in unbelievable rapture?
    She’d lost count of how many orgasms MacBride had teased from her, had drawn from her very soul, but she knew he used up four condoms. At least four.
    The couple had finally collapsed in each other’s arms from sheer exhaustion.
    Wrapped in his embrace, she couldn’t remember being lost in such a feeling of complete satisfaction, well-being, of belonging, at any other time in her adult life. It was a new sensation, and she wasn’t sure how to handle it.
    The guy totally rings my chimes. So, what’s the problem?
    Keko had awakened in a panic when she realized the sun had broken through the gray light—and she was still in MacBride’s bed.
    MacBride looked so comfortable she hadn’t wanted to disturb him. Never having awakened in the morning with a man in her bed—or still been in a man’s bed after the break of dawn—she was unfamiliar with the protocols. How do I avoid any early morning drama?
    With the lightest touch, she smoothed back the wave of heavy, toffee hair from over his closed eyes. Reacting without thinking, she brushed his forehead with her lips.
    He makes it so damned tempting to crawl back into bed with him . A quick shake of her head didn’t clear the cobwebs, so she grabbed her scattered garments, then slipped back to her room.
    After a quick rinse, she pulled on running shorts and sports bra, grabbed a hoodie, tippy-toed downstairs. She took a long gulp of orange juice, pulled on her sneakers, stuck two protein bars in her bra, then snuck out the back door. The cat snaked

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