Born of Magic: Gargoyle Masters, Book 2
handsome, despite his odd coloring.
    “Thank you,” she murmured.
    “You’re welcome. Do you wish to wait here for your companion? Or should we follow in his wake?”
    She started at his use of we, but had to admit having a protector of his size would be comforting. But what did she really know of this man? Albain had been wary, but he’d admitted the gargoyles were only dangerous if angered. So long as she didn’t anger Kephas, would he remain peaceful? There was really only one way to find out. She didn’t want to be left alone when there were bandits about.
    “I suppose we should follow,” she finally said.
    He nodded and started slowly along the path. She fell into step beside him, but not too close. The path was wide enough to allow wagons through and he and his horse took up nearly half the space, but she remained walking along the opposite edge. Silence reined between them for a few minutes as they set an even pace that was neither hurried nor leisurely.
    She kept her gaze locked straight ahead, lest she give in and stare at the strange man. He almost appeared carved from stone. The cloak on his back also had a strange shape, as if it covered a pack or some abnormality on his back. From the corner of her eye she watched him glance at her every few steps, and finally gave in to the urge to speak.
    “What?” she asked.
    “I said nothing.”
    “But you keep looking at me. Is there something on my face?”
    He grinned and shook his head. “Not at all. I’m just curious about you.”
    “You seem very young for a woman wandering these lands alone.”
    She huffed in annoyance. “I wasn’t alone. My companion ran off after the bandits, remember?”
    He nodded. “That’s right. Your companion seemed to think running off after your satchel a good enough reason to leave you alone on the road, fully exposed and vulnerable.”
    “I’m not vulnerable. And he’s just an old man anyway. I never said he was my protector. If anything, I should have been looking out for him. But he gave me no warning when he ran off after the thieves.”
    That earned her a raised brow, but she looked away angrily.
    “So, you’re traveling these lands with an old man and nothing more than that little bit of metal to protect yourself?”
    It did sound a bit ridiculous when worded like that, which only angered her more.
    “That isn’t any of your business. I don’t even know who you are.”
    “I told you. I’m Kephas, a protector from Halstrid. One of the Gargoyle Masters who protect the realm.”
    Equal parts fear, awe, and curiosity rose up in her and she wasn’t sure what to say.
    “You have no need to fear me,” he said. “I’m a protector of innocents. So unless you’re guilty of some crime, I would have no cause to quarrel with you.”
    Kephas fought down a grin as she tossed her pretty head in obvious offense. There was no doubt in his mind she was as innocent as a newborn babe, in many ways. Her discomfort bothered him, but he couldn’t let down his guard until they found her companion or the thieves. Until then he would remain in gargoyle form.
    “Of course I’m not guilty of anything. Other than getting distracted earlier.”
    “When you were attacked?”
    “I see.”
    He was trying to think of something else to say when Giga ran up from wherever it had disappeared to. Theda startled at its sudden appearance but didn’t seem too surprised to see the creature.
    “You have a pet?”
    “It appears so, though I think he’s adopted me rather than the other way around.”
    “I’m only guessing.”
    The creature looked up at Theda and seemed to grin. “Giga! Giga me!”
    “Giga?” she asked.
    “That appears to be his name.”
    “Ah. Hello, Giga. I’m Theda.”
    Giga nodded his head as he continued to walk beside them. “Theeeeeda. Theeeeda bye.”
    “I believe that means you’re traveling with us.”
    “Mhmm,” she mumbled.
    He watched her a moment longer before

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