
Calder by Allyson James Page B

Book: Calder by Allyson James Read Free Book Online
Authors: Allyson James
Tags: General Fiction
fucked Rees up on the inside and fucked me up on the outside. That’s irresistible to women who want to fix everything, to make it all better.”
    Talan started to answer but Rees interrupted.
    “He’s right, baby. Don’t shove him at Dr. d’Arnal before you know what she really wants. It hurts when you realize they don’t really care.”
    “ I care.”
    “That’s because you’re a special lady. You convinced me. Calder has to work this out for himself.”
    Talan scowled. “Men.”
    “You mean Shareem,” Calder rumbled.
    “Males, then. I don’t care what you call yourselves. I’m sure female tortoises get just as pissed off at male tortoises.”
    Rees rocked with laughter. He turned Talan to him and gave her a long kiss.
    Calder watched them in envy. They were so easy together, a Shareem and his lady, friends, lovers, lifemates.
    And now Braden had made his move on Katarina. Why? To make her a lifemate?
    Braden liked women, every woman. Katarina had a soft heart—obviously, or she’d have reported Calder the day he’d swatted her ass in the clinic, not to mention doing it more thoroughly in his lair.
    Braden would make Katarina believe he liked her. Then he’d move on to the next woman he passed, leaving Katarina bereft and hurt.

Calder should be glad of that. Katarina needed to learn to leave Shareem alone.
    Nice that she wanted to help them at the clinics, but in her personal life, she needed to back off.
    Gladness was not what he felt. He wanted to break Braden’s neck.
    He got to his feet. Talan and Rees looked up at him. “You going?” Rees asked.
    “Have things to do.” Calder tossed a credit strip on the table. “Tell Judith to keep the change.”
    He strode out. He couldn’t help noticing that as he left the table, Rees’ look turned cautious, Talan’s smug.
    Katarina’s pulse raced with delight as she opened Braden’s door to find Calder on the doorstep.
    He’d muffled himself all in black again, sun-blocking cloth covering the left side of his face, even though it was dark outside. He pushed his way in, brushing Katarina’s body as he passed.
    “Where’s Braden?”
    “Out.” Katarina tried to keep the disappointment from her voice. Calder hadn’t come to see her.
    Calder swung around. The apartment on d’Enela Street was tiny, and Calder’s presence dwarfed the front room. “Out where?”
    “I don’t know. He didn’t say.”
    Calder slammed open the door to Braden’s bedroom and looked inside. He swung to the opposite door and opened it too.
    Katarina stepped in front of him before he could enter the second room. “Do you mind? I know I sneaked into your apartment, but I never invaded your bedroom.”

“Lights on,” Calder said to the bedroom. He studied the neatly made bed, the clean hand sterilizer, the bare wall that concealed storage. “This is your room?”
    “Yes. Braden’s is much messier. Did you think I was sleeping in there with him?”
    “Yes.” Calder turned his half-masked face to her. “He’s Shareem.”
    “And Shareem are irresistible?”
    “Shareem are horny.” Calder’s voice went harsh. “He’ll try to seduce you every second.”
    “Yes, but Shareem can’t touch a woman if she says no. That’s probably why he’s out. I keep saying no.”
    Calder’s visible eye narrowed. “So he has tried to seduce you.”
    “Like you said, he’s Shareem. He has to have sex, or at least release, or he’ll die.”
    Katarina had learned to talk about it without blushing. “He goes out for that.”
    Calder’s stare pinned her. She shivered, rubbing her hands up and down her arms.
    “Why do you wear that?” she asked.
    His scowl deepened. “Wear what?”
    “The facecloth. I know what you look like. I didn’t run away screaming before and I probably won’t now.”
    Calder went very still and Katarina’s chill increased. She knew he was dangerous— he was level three and Braden had told her that he was scarier than even

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