Captive Heart

Captive Heart by Mina Carter, J.William Mitchell Page B

Book: Captive Heart by Mina Carter, J.William Mitchell Read Free Book Online
Authors: Mina Carter, J.William Mitchell
to make mistakes like they had back at the cabin. Mistakes were potentially lethal.
    So, Rollie decided to bring in some bigger guns while she was underground. She had a few friends she knew she could count on.
    “Chuck Harper speaking,” said the smooth male voice on the other end.
    “Chuck! It’s me, Rollie.”
    “Rollie? Jesus. Thank God you’re safe,” he said with obvious relief. “It was chaos back at your office ever since your mother…” He paused, sounding uncertain. “Then I heard you were missing. I was tapping my buddies at the FBI to find you. What happened?”
    “A friend rescued me.” Rollie glanced at Day standing outside the phone booth. “He knew I would be in danger. He took me away just before Marie was… I didn’t know they would do that to her.”
    “Rollie, I’m so sorry about Marie. But things are a little hot right now. My buddies at the Bureau are telling me that someone is quietly looking for you, and I don’t think they’re your friends. What’s this about? Christ, your life could be in danger.”
    “It is in danger. Which is why I need your help.” Rollie then told him about Icarus and her plans.
    “Damn, you’re going to make a lot of rich, powerful people angry. No wonder you’re being hunted.”
    “I know. Chuck, my only hope to end this is to attend that summit and present the reactor there. If the world discovers my creation, they would have no more reason to kill me to keep me quiet. But I know they’re going to be watching the summit, and I’m pretty sure they’ll nab me before I even get to the front doors.”
    “What can I do to help?” he asked earnestly.
    Moments later, Rollie hung up the phone and stepped outside to join Day. “It’s done.”
    Day nodded, just a short, sharp jerk of his head. The lover she’d been with last night was gone, and in his place was the man Rollie had first met, the dangerous loner who’d kidnapped her. Not for the first time, she wondered exactly what Day’s background was, and if Day was even his real name. Didn’t that sort of man always have an alias, a cover identity, a la Bond? But, try as she might, she just couldn’t imagine him as the suave, sophisticated super-spy. Oh, he undoubtedly had the skill, and Rollie could imagine him looking fine in a tuxedo with a martini in hand but she liked Day’s rough and rugged appeal.
    “You told him the right time and place?” he asked as they walked away from the phone booth. He’d done something to the phone before he’d let her make the call, presumably concealing their location somehow, but these weren’t amateurs they were going up against. If they were really serious about finding her, eventually they would. She knew that.
    “Yes, I did,” said Rollie as she kept up with him. “Day, it’s okay. I trust him. He’s one of the few people who know who I really am, and they’re not that plenty. I’m like a sister to him.”
    He shot her a look, his expression hard. “Don’t trust anyone, Rollie. Everyone’s got a price, even me. Remember that.”
    The man lowered his headset for a moment as soon as the call ended and got out of the van not far away from a government building. He had been sitting in that chair for the better part of twelve hours, and he was tired, hungry, and needed a drink. As he breathed in freshly polluted air, a refreshing change from the stale air inside the van, he reached for his flask. As he brought the dented metal container to his lips, he realized he had drunk the last of it an hour ago.
    “Shit,” he muttered as he shoved the flask in the pocket of his hopelessly wrinkled slacks and opted for a smoke instead. His phone began to vibrate in his other pocket, and he took a moment to take a drag of his cigarette before he pulled his cell out and flipped it open.
    “Did we get what we needed?” asked the voice on the other end.
    “Yes, we did. She’s doing exactly what you said she would.”
    “Do you have any indication

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