Cera's Place

Cera's Place by Elizabeth McKenna Page A

Book: Cera's Place by Elizabeth McKenna Read Free Book Online
Authors: Elizabeth McKenna
stood at the balcony. “Come to bed, Cera. There’s no use worrying about him now. I’m sure there’s a good reason he didn’t come a-calling tonight. You’ll see him tomorrow and everything will be fine.”
    “I don’t know what you’re talking about. He’s nothing to me. I’m worried about Johnny following Biggs. That’s all.” Cera climbed the stairs and brushed past Sonya, but stopped when she got to her bedroom door. Feeling bad about her temper, she mumbled, “Thank you, Sonya.”
    Sonya nodded in return. “Tomorrow will be a better day.”
    “And you truly believe that?”
    “Of course, I do.”
    However, her friend’s dark eyes hinted at another truth. “Someday, I would like to hear about your past life.”
    The corner of Sonya’s mouth turned up into a wry, half smile. “Good night, boss.”

Chapter 7
    Early the following day, Johnny crashed through the saloon doors yelling for Cera. Whirling around in surprise, she dropped the mug she was drying, sending shards of glass flying in all directions.
    “Johnny! I ought to cuff you on the head. Look what you made me do!”
    The boy stopped in his tracks, dismayed at the mess. “I’m real sorry, Miss Cera. I’ll clean it up. Don’t be mad. Please!”
    Realizing Johnny expected her to follow through on the threat of bodily harm she cringed. Sometimes she forgot where he came from and what he’d been through. “It’s all right, honey. It’s just a beer glass. I got dozens more. I’ll sweep it up, though. I don’t want you to cut yourself.”
    Her words failed to soothe the boy as he stood rigid, waiting for the expected blows.
    Cursing her short temper, Cera came around the bar. When she put her arms around him, fear flickered across his face. “Everything is fine. I’m sorry I yelled. Friends?”
    The boy nodded slightly.
    “Good.” She brushed back the hair from his eyes and smiled. “Now, what’s got you running in here like your unmentionables are on fire?”
    “I got news on you know who,” the boy whispered, though the bar was empty.
    “Biggs?” Her voice also came out low.
    “Yes, ma’am. I heard him talkin’ outside of Rosie’s Café. He’s meetin’ a China man at his restaurant on Jackson Street at nine o’clock tonight.”
    Cera’s hands clenched. “Did you hear the name of the man that Biggs’ is meeting?”
    “I think he said ‘Hip Yee’. Mr. Biggs was shovin’ food in his fat face, so I couldn’t understand everything.” Johnny grimaced at the memory.
    She reached into her pocket and pulled out a three-cent coin. “Good work. Let me know if you hear anything else.”
    Johnny grabbed the money and threw her a salute as he raced out of the saloon.
    Cera shook her head. If only he would save the money for something he needed, such as new shoes, but she knew better. He’d be buying candy or tobacco, whichever he found first.
    As she finished sweeping up the broken glass, Ginger came downstairs.
    “Did we have a customer? I thought I heard voices.”
    “No, just Johnny. He told me Biggs is meeting Hip Yee at Yee’s restaurant tonight.” After tossing the glass in the bin, the dustpan dangled from her hand, as she stood lost in thought.
    Ginger clapped her hands together exclaiming, “That’s great news! We can tell the police and they will arrest them all.”
    “For what? Eating supper after six o’clock? No, the police won’t do anything.” She pulled on her bottom lip with her teeth. “We need more proof…”
    “Oh, no.” Ginger grabbed Cera by the shoulders and shook her. “You aren’t going to that restaurant. Isaac will tie you up before he’ll let you do that!”
    Cera scowled. “Since when have I let a man rule me? Maybe if I get proof of what they’re up to, it will be enough for the authorities and we won’t have to catch Biggs in the act.”
    “Darn it all, Cera, it’s too dangerous!”
    “I promised Hu I’d help—and I’m not going back on my word. I’ll be careful,”

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