Christmas By Candlelight: Two Regency Holiday Novellas

Christmas By Candlelight: Two Regency Holiday Novellas by Andrea Pickens Page A

Book: Christmas By Candlelight: Two Regency Holiday Novellas by Andrea Pickens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Andrea Pickens
Preobrazhensky Guards?”
    “As you know, sir, the use of force is always the last resort for a diplomat,” replied Nicholas, a twinkle lighting his eye as he clasped his hands behind his back. “I was able to persuade your niece to say ‘yes’ through the means of rational discourse.”
    The count made a wry face. “Perhaps you have rescued the wrong young lady.” An instant later the grimace was gone, replaced by a grin. “I think I shall accept that drink after all, Royster. It seems we have much to celebrate on this most joyous of your holidays.”
    Turning to Nicholas, he inclined a low bow. “It may not yet be Christmas in my country, but you have given me a most wondrous gift, Lord Killingworth. I believe Anna shall be very happy with you. And for that I thank you with all my heart.”
    “Rather it is I who should be thanking you, sir.” Nicholas turned to the earl. “And you, Father. I consider myself blessed with miraculous good fortune. Who would have dreamed that in the midst of darkness and storm I would come upon the light of my life?”
    He raised his glass, savoring the blazing fire and beaming smiles through the warm glow of the brandy. “To family. Both present and future.”
    The clink of crystal had not yet subsided when Fedorov proposed another round of toasts. “It seems that tomorrow’s ball will take on an extra note of good cheer as we will be able to announce a pair of alliances between our two countries.”
    He winked at the earl. “After much discussion, my delegation agreed to your latest proposal and the papers were signed this morning.”
    Nicholas stifled a laugh. “I trust they plan to award each of you a medal for your consummate skill at handling delicate negotiations.”
    His father maintained a straight face, save for a tiny waggle of his brow. “Oh, I believe Yevgeny and I have reward enough.”

    * * *
    I t was not snow but a blur of bright silks and satins, that swirled through the ballroom, and the brilliant sparkling of light came from a myriad of crystal chandeliers rather than ice.
    “It is like a scene from a fairy tale,” whispered Anna as Nicholas spun her through another series of twirls.
    “Our journey most certainly had a storybook ending, my love,” he replied, his eyes dancing with a depth of emotion that made her heart skip a beat.
    “Complete with a dashing hero who sweeps the lady off her feet,” she whispered.
    How had she ever viewed him as just another pompous prig? Now she saw only his kindness, his strength, his humor. His chiseled features, softened by the curl of golden locks and a devilish smile, were not bad to look at either. “You had a few small details of your story wrong. Your father is not such an ogre after all.”
    The Earl of Royster, resplendent in ivory silk waistcoat embroidered with a forest of fir trees, appeared not at all perturbed to be holding a glass of champagne instead of a sheaf of government papers. “He dances quite beautifully and told me several very amusing stories about you and your first pony.”
    Nicholas gave a mock wince. “Yet another instance of me falling smack on my rump.”
    “As for your mother. . . “ Anna touched the pale peach flower pinned to his lapel, then glanced at the countess, who was dancing with Count Federov. “To think she spent the summer and fall creating a new species of roses specially for you. And it was very ingenious of her to design a portable greenhouse so that several of the bushes could be transported from Yorkshire.”
    “Yes, I have learned much these past few days, not only about myself, but about those around me. We all have facets we have grown used to keeping under wraps. Sometimes what we need is a challenge to bring them to light.”
    “And sometimes what we need is a miracle from above.” Anna could not help but think back on her own doubts and fears. “When I saw that first star in the heavens, I wished for a guardian angel instead of a guardian uncle. What I

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