Class of '59 (American Journey Book 4)

Class of '59 (American Journey Book 4) by John A. Heldt

Book: Class of '59 (American Journey Book 4) by John A. Heldt Read Free Book Online
Authors: John A. Heldt
Mom and Dad adopted you."
    "What time is it?" Piper asked.
    "It's almost one. We need to go."
    Piper nodded.
    The sisters walked through the lobby, turned right into a long hallway, and weaved their way through a crowd of students toward the main office. They reached their destination just as a loud bell rattled their eardrums and announced the start of the next period.
    "Are you ready?" Mary Beth asked.
    "I'm ready."
    The sisters hesitated for only a second and then opened the door. They walked to the counter, introduced themselves to a secretary, and asked to see Principal Raines. A moment later, they followed the secretary, a friendly woman of forty, through an open work area to a sizeable office.
    The secretary pointed to two chairs. Each faced a large desk.
    "Take a seat, ladies. Principal Raines will see you shortly."
    "Thank you," Mary Beth said.
    Piper settled into her lightly upholstered chair as the secretary took her leave. She turned to face her sister when the office worker shut the door.
    "Do you think he'll buy our story?" Piper asked.
    "I think so," Mary Beth said. "It's pretty airtight. I also have a letter from Dad. If the principal gives me any static, I'll just tell him to take it up with the colonel."
    Piper laughed.
    "How did you get a 'letter' from Dad?"
    "I created it," Mary Beth said. "I wrote a draft for Mark and then asked him to rewrite it in a man's handwriting. It looks pretty good. Do you want to see it?"
    "Maybe later," Piper said.
    Piper took a breath and smiled at her sister. She never admired her more than when Mary Beth stepped up and helped her sibling in a big way.
    "You like him, don't you?"
    "Who?" Mary Beth asked. "Mark?"
    "Yes, silly. Mark."
    Mary Beth blushed.
    "I do. I know it's crazy to like anyone in these circumstances, but I do. He's one of the nicest people I have ever met and a true gentleman."
    "Don't get too attached, Mary Beth. Even if we make good friends here, we can't keep them. We can't do anything except go back to you know where."
    Mary Beth smiled and put a hand on Piper's knee.
    "Thanks, Mom."
    Piper laughed. She started to say something about the décor in the principal's office when the interior decorator himself opened the door and walked in. He placed a folder on his desk, turned to his left, and then stepped toward his visitors.
    "Good afternoon," Principal Raines said. He extended a hand as Mary Beth and Piper rose from their seats. "I'm Warren Raines."
    Mary Beth shook his hand.
    "It's nice to meet you. I'm Mary Beth McIntire. I've come here today to enroll my sister as a senior at Midway," Mary Beth said. She stepped back. "This is Piper."
    The principal shook Piper's hand.
    "It's a pleasure to meet you, young lady," Raines said. He motioned toward the chairs. "Please take a seat. This shouldn't take long."
    The principal walked to the open door, gestured to a secretary as he closed it, and returned to his desk. A few seconds later, he settled into a richly upholstered chair.
    "I'm sorry to keep you waiting," Raines said. "I had another matter to attend to just now."
    "That's all right," Mary Beth said. "We're in no hurry."
    Raines smiled at his visitors and then reached for the folder on his desk. He opened the folder wide, pulled out two forms, and gave them a quick inspection.
    "I see you came here from West Germany," Raines said.
    "Piper and I have lived there for the past few years," Mary Beth said. "Our father, Brody McIntire, is an Army colonel serving with the 3rd Mechanized Infantry Division."
    "I see."
    "Our parents are still in Germany. They plan to join us in June, after my father is discharged, and retire to the Pasadena area, where we have many friends. Piper is here now so that she can graduate from a California high school and have a California diploma when she applies for admission to one of the state universities. She has her eyes on UCLA right now."
    Piper marveled at Mary Beth's ability to take a grain of truth and bake it into a

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