Colton Manor

Colton Manor by Francene Carroll Page B

Book: Colton Manor by Francene Carroll Read Free Book Online
Authors: Francene Carroll
throw this thing away? I don’t want it in the house.” When he appeared in the doorway she kicked the Ouija board across the room to him.
    “No problem, but don’t you want to ask it a few questions first?” He ducked as she threw the rolled up pair of sock she’d been about to put on straight at his head.
    As soon as she felt the breeze in hair and the fresh air in her lungs, Ursula felt better. It was overcast, but not as cold as it had been, and she was glad she’d dressed lightly. The view was lovely, and they paused at the top of the cliff to admire it when Ursula noticed a plaque hidden beneath some weeds and grass. She knelt down to brush them away so she could read it.
    In Memory of Anna Stanton (nee Williams)
    1829 - 1852
    “This must be where she fell from.” Ursula had a sudden clear mental picture of the woman she had sketched flying through the air, her mouth open in a silent scream. “You’d think they would have put a fence or something up here by now.” There was nothing to mark the edge of the cliff, the ground just suddenly gave way to a steep drop, and it would be easy to accidentally plunge over the edge.
    “Ye s, it is dangerous. Let’s go before the rain sets in again.”
    The path do wn to the beach was overgrown and very steep in places. It was clear no one had used it for a while, and Ursula was glad she hadn’t attempted it on her own. Damien offered her his hand a couple of times, and she was thrilled to have a chance to touch him again. She noticed that his eyes were the same blue-grey colour as the sky, and she liked the way they crinkled up at the corners when he smiled. The lines gave him an air of wisdom and experience which she found very sexy. Just being with him outside the house was helping her to relax, and with the ocean stretching in front of them, and Colton Manor behind them, it seemed ridiculous to believe in ghosts and curses from the past.
    When they finally emerged onto the beach Ursula saw that it was sheltered by cliffs on one side and high, jagged rocks on the other. It was completely private, and if the sun ever came out from behind the clouds it would be a wonderful place to sketch and swim. Although a bit bleak at the moment it was at least it was sheltered. For the next hour she and Damien amused themselves by exploring the rock pools and taking their shoes off to wade in the surf. By the time they sank down on the sand to rest Ursula was feeling much more clear-headed. The house was almost invisible from where they were, and the shadow it cast over her didn’t reach this far.
    “Are you ready to go back now?” asked Damien, after they had sat in silence for a while, each lost in their own thoughts while seabirds wheeled around them.
    “Can’t we just stay down here for a little longer? I really don’t f eel like going back just yet.”
    Damien took a closer look at her. “You’re still worried about ghosts aren’t you? I thought you would have realised by now what a load of rubbish those stories are.” Ursula bit her lip and didn’t reply. “That’s it, isn’t it? I’m still upset with Bonnie for telling you those stories.”
    “ I thought I was over it but something kind of weird happened last night that’s freaked me out a bit.” She took a deep breath. “You have to promise you’re not going to laugh at me if I tell you.”
    “I promise.” He tried to look serious but she could tell he was struggling to keep a straight face as she told him what she’d found out at the library and described the voice outside her door. It wasn’t until she told him about the strange painting with the hands and numbers 666 that his expression became thoughtful.
    “And y ou really don’t remember painting it?”
    “No, I swear to God.”
    “Normally I’d say you were crazy if you told me something like this, but after what happened to me I know it’s quite possible . Are you sure the doctor said you’re okay?”
    “Yes, he said I’m

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