Construct a Couple
trousers I buy end up wonky from my hemming (if you call duct tape ‘hemming’), and my one attempt to purchase a snazzy Apprentice -style dress made my butt look like it needed a postcode of its own.
    Forget the clothes. There’s only one way to impress an icon like her, and that’s by presenting organised, meticulous research. I work hard for the next few hours, typing up interview notes.  I’m so absorbed I barely notice Gregor and Lizzie’s barbed exchange over the exact height of Nelson’s Column in Trafalgar Square. When Lizzie says goodbye, I’m shocked it’s five. Lifting my arms to stretch, I notice Gregor giving me the evil eye. Again.
    “Can I help you?” I can’t resist feeling a bit smug about my story, even if I am only providing back-up to Helen.
    “Are you almost finished with the construction feature?” Gregor sniffs. “Meeting deadlines is an important part of our job, something you need reminding of after all your personal calls this morning.”
    “Didn’t Jonas tell you?” I smile sweetly. “I found a great new angle for the story and he gave me an extension. I’ll be working alongside Helen now.” It’s not a lie – technically, I will be working with her.
    Anger mixed with an emotion I can’t quite read flashes across Gregor’s face, and he purses his thin lips. “Jonas never communicated that with me. Fill me in, please.”
    “All my notes are on the system if you want to take a look,” I say, switching off the computer. “I’ll see you tomorrow!” I gather my things and stand, smirking just a little as Gregor scrambles to click open my folder.
    Now that’s what I call a good day at the office.

    I stride to the tube with a happy little grin until two teens in school uniforms swagger by, shooting me a ‘what are you smiling at?’ look. Quickly, I rearrange my features into the neutral mask perfected by all hard-core Londoners, but glee still swirls inside. Despite the disappointment at my back-seat role, if I keep going like this, chances are I won’t be marooned on Fact Check Row for the next year.
    Not to mention I get to stick it to Julia. God, when the news breaks, she’ll have a mess on her hands. Any hint of bad practice will definitely throw a spanner into the workings of the business, no matter how much money it has. My mind flips to an item all over the media last year – a company that neglected health and safety codes for an office building up north.  Last I’d heard, the business went bankrupt. I don’t want anyone to lose their job, of course, but in a way, it feels like divine retribution.
    I can’t wait to tell Jeremy what I’ve found! Forget adding a random quote or three, this is uncovering a whole new story. And what a story, too – he’ll love seeing Julia finally get what she deserves.
    Or will he? I tilt my head, trying to picture his reaction. Actually, Jeremy’s way too nice to be happy about someone else’s misfortune, no matter what they’ve done to him (unlike me – I wouldn’t mind lighting the match for Julia to burn in hell). In fact, knowing him, he might even use the charity’s money to fix up Rose House himself.  My lip curls imagining Julia’s sneer as my boyfriend pours his finances into solving her problems. No way could I stand by and watch that happen.
    Anyway, I’m supposed to be a safe haven for Jeremy, right? What kind of safe haven willingly brings up ex-girlfriends, especially ones as traumatic as Julia? My earlier pledge to keep the outside world at bay comes to mind, and resolve floods into me. As excited as I am about this article, it isn’t worth bringing into our happy space.  Jeremy will discover his ex-girlfriend’s negligence when the news breaks on Sunday, and if he wants to bring it up, he can.
    Look at me, putting the good of our relationship above my own excitement. God, maybe I should write the Shut Your Mouth Guide to Great Relationships .
    Just because I’m

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