Curtain Fall: Second Edition, Disaster, Preparedness, Survival, Awakening (The Gatekeeper Book 1)

Curtain Fall: Second Edition, Disaster, Preparedness, Survival, Awakening (The Gatekeeper Book 1) by Kenneth Cary Page B

Book: Curtain Fall: Second Edition, Disaster, Preparedness, Survival, Awakening (The Gatekeeper Book 1) by Kenneth Cary Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kenneth Cary
Tags: Children's Books, Self-Help, Children's eBooks, Dreams, Spirituality, Religion & Spirituality, New Age
if the USGS would even admit such a thing, then “yellow” should probably represent something about increased seismic activity. Perhaps, thought John, “yellow” was a noticeable earthquake, something around the magnitude of 5.0 or greater.
    John shook his head in amazement. The ludicrous nature of the information was second only to its worthless value. He closed the page with a click and leaned back in his chair. “Was it a cover up?” he asked himself. It wouldn’t surprise him if it was. He wasn’t into conspiracy theories, but John knew better than to believe the government was incapable of telling lies, or withholding important – even life or death information - from its citizens; especially if they believed it was, “for the greater good of all.”
    At a minimum, he wouldn’t be surprised to learn that the Caldera’s activity was being down-played just to prevent mass hysteria. One thing he did know, it would take more than one news story to get everyone’s attention. Even then, even if all the news was focused on the Caldera, it would take an official government announcement to make things happen.
    John leaned forward and scanned the search results again. He found a link to a geologist who went by the name, Christopher Sanders. He said, “I am advising all State officials around Yellowstone National Park fora potential State of Emergency. In the last week over 252 earthquakes have been observed by the USGS. We have a 3D view on the movement of magma rising underground. We have all of the pre-warning signs of a major eruption from a super volcano. - I want everyone to leave Yellowstone National Park and for 200 miles around the volcano caldera.”
    John noticed Sanders’ comment was posted way back in January of 2009. That made it at least seven years old now that it was 2016. He recalled his experience in the alley, of seeing the pile of rocks. The sixteen stones did represent the year, 2016 after all. He couldn’t believe he forgot such an important dream detail as that.
    John decided that as soon as he got home, he would find his record of the dream and read it to see what else he may have forgotten over the years. However, one thing was very clear to him now, more so than even his post lunch-time dream recollection episode, a disaster was imminent. He knew it without a shred of doubt. The dream was a message for him to prepare, and what he saw confirmed that the Yellowstone Caldera was about to erupt.

    J ohn was startled by a knock at his door, and knew that it was Tony before even turning to look. Tony always knocked the same, three quick, light taps on the door frame with a single knuckle. After locking the computer screen, John looked at Tony and said, “I’ll be right with you. Come in and have a seat.”
    As he gathered his files and began to arrange them on his desk, John stole a glance at the wall clock. He couldn’t believe time was moving so slowly. It felt like it should be late afternoon at the earliest. Never before had he felt so drained and energized at the same time. It was as if he was hooked to a battery, but running a race; the power was being spent as quick as he received it.
    Tony was the last person he wanted to talk to, now that he understood the future better, but John knew he had to follow through withhis work commitments. He couldn’t quit everything simply because he knew everything was about to change. Besides, he really didn’t know how much time he had before the disaster struck. It could be a week, or more, before anything actually happened. There was still two months left in the year 2016, and he didn’t think he could stay away from work more than a few days. Still, what time he dedicated to finalizing his preparedness would not be wasted.
    Tony fidgeted while John sorted and pulled papers from his files, organizing them to suit his best interests, and Tony’s capabilities. He regretted scheduling the meeting with Tony, but when he made the appointment he

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