Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer

Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer by Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban Page A

Book: Cut and Run 4 - Divide and Conquer by Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban Read Free Book Online
Authors: Abigail Madeleine u Roux Urban
of the back and side windows.
    Zane had never taken the time to stop and look at them all, but he
    guessed that there were dozens altogether.
    There was one very prominent white sticker in the rear window
    that said “Semper Fidelis” beneath the USMC eagle, globe, and anchor.
    There were several smaller decals scattered around that commemorated
    certain stretches of the Appalachian Trail. A yellow square with a
    familiar curled snake and the words “Don‟t Tread On Me.” An old
    peeling sticker that had seen better days was what Zane had been told
    was a nautical star. There was a Smith & Wesson logo. In various
    places he could see a New Orleans Saints fleur de lis, an Atlanta Braves
    tomahawk, a faded Grateful Dead “steal your face” sticker, and a very
    old M with a circle over it that Zane knew stood for an Ironman
    Triathlon. A newer decal sported stylized Arabic writing that spelled
    out “Infidel” with an assault rifle used as the capital I. In direct
    contrast, on the opposite window, was the Om symbol. By itself in the
    center of one of the back windows was a black POW/MIA sticker.
    Divide & Conquer | 57

    The Bronco and its dressings told the tale of Ty‟s life and offered
    glimpses into his heart and soul, whether Ty meant it to or not. Zane
    knew it had traveled with Ty nearly everywhere he‟d been, even
    serving as his home a few times when Ty was transitioning between
    “People have gotten to where they aim at her. Try to hit her with
    foul balls,” Ty complained.
    It drew a smile out of Zane, and he chuckled. “That‟s awful,” he
    “I know!” Ty exclaimed with complete sincerity. He leaned
    forward in his seat, digging through the duffel bag in the floorboard,
    and pulled out his cleats, which he‟d refused to put on before getting
    into the car.
    Zane shrugged, though he was amused by Ty‟s utter seriousness.
    “If somebody threw a softball at the Valkyrie, I‟d have to clobber
    “Throwing is different. A foul ball has gravity on its side,” Ty
    explained as he popped open the passenger-side door and tried to swing
    his legs out before unbuckling his seatbelt. He grunted as the belt
    tightened, then reached behind him to fumble with the mechanism
    briefly before it released and he slid out of the truck in a tumble of
    shoes and equipment, disappearing from sight. “I‟m okay,” Zane heard
    him say.
    “He‟s okay,” Zane muttered as he grabbed the ball cap off the
    floorboard, snagged the keys, and got out of the truck as well. He
    walked around to the passenger side, half expecting to see Ty on the
    He‟d managed to get himself together, though, and he was bent
    over, pushing his feet into his cleats. His equipment bag was over one
    shoulder, the handle of the bat hanging near the back of his head. He
    tied his shoe tight before standing and giving Zane a crooked smile.
    Zane held out the navy blue FBI ball cap. “You‟ll need this.”
    Ty took it and put it on, shaking his head. “I‟ve never actually
    worn it in a game. Facemask,” he told Zane. He nodded toward the
    58 | Madeleine Urban & Abigail Roux

    field and started walking. “You don‟t have to stay, you know. There‟s a
    lot of news cameras here.”
    Zane frowned as he followed, checking out the press. “I know.
    Do you want me to go?” he asked tentatively. Ty could be difficult to
    read, and since throwing the whole declaration of love into the mix,
    dealing with him was like navigating a minefield for Zane. They hadn‟t
    done the traditional yours vs. ours kind of distinctions, and sharing still
    wasn‟t a strong skill for either of them. This was Ty‟s scene, and Zane
    wasn't sure he was welcome here.
    “No,” Ty answered easily. He turned and looked at Zane, then
    reached up and took his ball cap off again, handing it back to Zane as if
    he‟d forgotten he‟d just put it on. “I just don‟t want you getting bored.
    Put this on so people‟ll know

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