Dark Duke

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Book: Dark Duke by Sabrina York Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sabrina York
her spine. It had been so long since their one glorious
morning together. She could not wait for another.
    “Shut the door,” he said as she entered the chamber.
    She fought down a shiver and did so.
    “Come here.”
    She crossed the room and stepped into his arms. He kissed
her. A long, lingering, delicious exploration of her mouth, then her cheek,
then her neck. “God, I’ve missed your taste.”
    “My taste?” She giggled.
    “Yes. You taste delicious.”
    “Hmm.” She went up on her toes and licked his chin. Yes, he
was delicious too.
    “Shall we do some reading?”
    She frowned. “Really, Edward?”
    “Really.” He took the book from her, found a passage and
handed it back, then took a seat. “Read to me.” When she moved to sit at his
side, he forestalled her. “No, darling. Stand before me while you read from the
    She did not know what he had in mind, but the intensity on
his face stilled her protest. It sent a rain of arousal through her. “All
right.” She resettled her spectacles on her nose and began to read.
    The sheik’s private quarters were vast. Asha followed the
vizier down a long, echoing hallway. She had no idea what to expect and fear
coursed through her. Though she had only seen him at a distance, the sheik was
a man of frightening countenance.
    All the girls in the harem sighed when they spoke of him,
but Asha had also heard other whispers, terrifying stories, or a man who
fervently plied a lash.
    She had been whipped many times now by the kadin and the eunuchs when she had been disobedient or lax in her studies, and while
those whippings had started an odd fire in her belly, she did not know if she
could bear such attention from a man as frightening as the sheik.
    They stopped at a set of intricately carved doors. The vizier
looked down at her, adjusted the fall of her hair, smoothed the lapel of her
harem jacket. Pinched a nipple.
    “Do you remember what you were taught?” His voice was
deep, rumbling.
    Asha could not meet his eyes. “Yes, my lord.”
    “Do not disappoint him. I should hate to have to toss you
into the sea.”
    Women who displeased the sheik were disposed of in a
brutal manner. Drowned like kittens in a burlap bag. Asha shuddered. She would
do anything to avoid such a fate. “Yes, my lord.”
    The vizier opened the door and ushered her in. “Your
companion for the evening, Your Eminence.”
    He sat at the far end of the room on a wide throne,
against a crenulated arch overlooking a flagstone terrace. The only other items
in the cavernous chamber were a low table covered with foodstuffs—and an enormous
bed draped in fluttering curtains.
    He made not a sound, but gestured at her to approach. The
echo of the doors closing as the vizier left them alone resonated through the
    She did not delay. She knew better. She glided to his
side and, eyes downcast, stood before him.
    He took her chin in his hand and tipped it up so he could
see her face. “Lovely,” he murmured. His fingers fluttered on her neck like the
wings of a butterfly. “Lovely.” He cupped her breast. She sucked in a breath
and forced herself to hold still. This was her life now. Her meaning. Her
    She was his and nothing more.
    “Remove your clothes.”
    Asha winced.
    “Do it.” The sheik’s expression was frightening.
Arousing. She did as he commanded, quivering as she stood naked before him.
“Now kneel.”
    The way Edward said that one word, so tight, clipped, made
Kaitlin tremble.
    He lounged back in his chair, as she imagined the sheik had
done, and splayed his legs. “I should like you to remove your clothes as well.”
    Kaitlin’s heart lurched. They were in the library. She
couldn’t be naked in a library. Could she?
    “Do it.” He parroted the sheik’s words in a peculiar tone.
Why it sent a shaft of lust through her, she couldn’t say. She did as he
commanded, pulling off her dress. She shivered, though it was not cold,

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