Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera

Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera by Tamara H Hartl Page B

Book: Dark Lord of Kismera: Knights of Kismera by Tamara H Hartl Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tamara H Hartl
Drace would catch her looking at him intensely. He would give her a knowing look in return, and then get back to his work.
    The day before they were set to leave for Ferndale, Ki changed the routine. After breakfast they practiced early. Then she requested that he ride with her that afternoon.
    The mornings’ practice took a challenging turn when Drace faced Ki and Cearan at the same time. He had to give up the shield for a smaller sword in his left hand. By the time they were finished for the day, the muscles in his arms felt tired and weighted.
    Drace met Ki later in the afternoon as she requested. Pride was eager to go for a run, pulling at the bit, as he and Drace waited for Ki.
    Ki exited the stable leading a big, rangy, dark chestnut mare. The mare had white markings on her front legs and a snip of white on her nose. Drace thought she was a very pretty mare, but she also looked very strong and athletic. Ki’s mare also looked like she was ready for a good gallop.
    Ki mounted her horse, and without speaking, headed out. Drace followed Ki through the east gates and trotted through the village. Several of the villagers called greetings to their Lady. Once outside the township, Ki gave the mare her head, and the mare was soon galloping with tail streaming. Pride was not a speed horse, but managed to give a good chase.
    They galloped for nearly a mile across the plains, and then settled into a more sedate canter. The two continued on to where a small stream flowed beside a copse of trees. Ki asked her mare to cross, and with a small leap, the mare jumped across it. Pride waded over with more dignity, and arched his neck in greeting to the mare as Drace reined up beside Ki.
    Ki dismounted and tied the mare to a branch and then leaned against a tree and looked out at the plains. Drace left some distance between the two horses then stood next to Ki and looked out in the same direction.
    Ki spotted something and pointed, “See, just there, two bison beasts.”
    Drace squinted against the lowering sun. “No…oh wait, I see one,” he said as one of the large buffalo-like animals moved, throwing its head at flies then lowering it to graze again. The other came into his sight as it moved forward to more grass. They looked pretty much like buffalo, but with larger bodies and longer horns.
    As they moved into better view, he noticed the smaller of the two had a calf by her side, old enough to have the beginnings of horns.
    “There will be more over that slight rise, I am sure,” Ki informed him. “They travel in herds. She is probably coming into season the way the bull is following her.”
    The calf was feeling frisky and jumped away at something imagined, cavorting around his mother.
    “It’s a nice view, but I don’t think that’s why you asked me out here, is it?”
    “No, not really,” She gave him a quizzical look. “Do you miss your homeland?”
    “Yes, sometimes I miss my world, especially hot running water and lights that come on with a flip of a switch,” Drace answered, thinking that this probably wasn’t what she had wanted to discuss with him.
    “I wanted to tell you that I thought you were training well. I am pleased with your progress, but I cannot say these things in front of the others.”
    “I see, you have to keep up the hard-ass image to the men.” Drace grinned.
    “I am not sure what that means, exactly, but I do have to maintain respect, yes.” She moved away from the tree, the sword she wore at her waist rapping lightly in its scabbard against the trunk. “There is another reason I asked for your company.”
    “Really?” Drace returned dryly, “And what is that?”
    She came up to him and took his right hand in both of hers. “I find myself thinking of you at odd times. Remembering those few moments in the stables and wondering what being with you would be like.” She studied the large hand she held for a moment, tracing the calluses caused by his sword. She looked up at his face,

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