Dating the Guy Upstairs

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Book: Dating the Guy Upstairs by Amanda Ashby Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amanda Ashby
seemed surprised. “Riley was eight and we’d been staying at a friend’s commune. Anyway, she spent the entire time sitting in a tree reading her book while all the other kids played a crazy game of tag below her. Bless her, she was oblivious to it all until she finished the story.”
    “Now, that I could imagine.” Will grinned at the idea of Riley sitting in a tree, all long legs and red braids, engrossed in a book while chaos surrounded her. “And I’m sure she’ll be thrilled about the exhibition.”
    “Actually, I was hoping she might be able to come down for the opening on Saturday night. I know it’s short notice, but I’d really love if she could be there. You too, of course,” Jude said in a hopeful voice.
    “Saturday? I’m so sorry, but she’s actually going out with me that day,” Will said. He winced at the disappointed look on Jude’s face, and hurried to explain. “My brother’s getting married. I think you met him once.”
    “Of course I remember Tucker. He’s almost as handsome as you,” Jude said, her frown disappearing.
    “Hey, what’s this about almost as handsome?” Tucker suddenly appeared at the bottom of the stairs with a mock look of outrage plastered across his face. “Sure, Will has got the six pack from all that exercise, but I like to think I’ve got a bit more going for me in the way of male grooming.”
    “Point taken.” Jude beamed as she wrapped her arms around Tucker, despite the fact that they’d only met the once. “And congratulations. Will was just telling me the wonderful news. I hope you’re both very happy.”
    “Thank you.” Tucker released Jude and gave her a thoughtful look. “I don’t suppose you have any last-minute tips to cure the nerves? I know you’ve done this more than once.”
    “Ha, well my first piece of advice is that you make this one last,” Jude said in a saucy voice before letting out a wistful sigh. “And my other advice is to remember that it’s not just the day that’s important. Make sure that you treat every day like it’s your wedding day.”
    “God, no.” Will tried to imagine a world that involved talking about chest waxing and the perils of missing out on your preferred wedding florist, and shuddered. It wasn’t a pretty sight. “You have no idea how obsessed he’s been over this whole thing.”
    “I just want to make sure that everything is perfect for Danni,” Tucker retorted as he gave Will a playful punch on the arm before he turned to Jude. “And thank you for that advice. I’m still pinching myself that I’m going to spend the rest of my life with her, so I’ll make sure I never forget.”
    Will, who was now getting familiar with his brother’s new sappiness, managed to keep a straight face. Not that he didn’t hope Tucker and Danni would be blissfully happy for the rest of their lives, it was just the odds were stacked against them. Will wondered if that’s what their mom thought when she first got married to their father. Was she idealistic? Enthusiastic and hopeful about the future?
    More to the point, when did it change?
    When did her passion get bypassed for the role of society wife? Her dreams forgotten?
He clenched his fists and pushed his memories back. Thinking of his mother and the life she endured with their father was never a good idea. Not when it was riddled with his own guilt for the part he played in it. Or the fact that he never got to tell her how sorry he was before the accident that took her life.
    “You’re welcome. And thank you so much for inviting Riley. I’m sure she’ll have a wonderful time.” Jude beamed. Tucker gave a jovial shrug. “Of course. I mean those two always came as a pair anyway, but now that they’re dating it’s even better.”
    What? Will was jolted out of his thoughts by Jude’s squeal of delight, realizing too late what his brother had just said. Talk about wicked webs. He rubbed his brow and tried to muster up a smile.
    “Oh, my dear boy,

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