Deadly Aim

Deadly Aim by Patricia H. Rushford Page B

Book: Deadly Aim by Patricia H. Rushford Read Free Book Online
Authors: Patricia H. Rushford
Tags: Fiction, General, Religious
kitchen below and the two bedrooms and baths that would make a wonderful guest suite.
    “It’s really nice, Brandon, but I’m getting tired. Can we go now?”
    Brandon looked disappointed. “I’m sorry. I was so excited, I forgot—after all you’ve gone through today, you must be wiped out. We can go in a minute. I have something really important to tell you first.”
    Angel rubbed the back of her neck. He was buying the house and wanted her to be excited for him. It wasn’t so much to ask. “It’s really a great house, Brandon.”
    “I’m glad you think so, honey. Because...” He hesitated, drawing her into the circle of his arms again. “Because I bought it for us.”
    “Marry me. It’s time, don’t you think? We’ve known each other since high school. I want you to be my wife. I want to start a family.”
    Angel pulled away from him. She was speechless for a moment, her mind not able to process the words. Finally she managed to string some together. “You can’t be serious. A guy doesn’t go out and buy a house like this, then ask his girlfriend to marry him. What happens if I don’t want to get married?”
    “I...” Brandon stared at her, openmouthed. “The minute I saw it, I knew it was for us. I love this place. I thought you would too.”
    “I do, but that’s beside the point. Buying a house is something couples do together. I’m not ready for this. I don’t want to get married.”
    “Look,” he soothed. “You’re upset about what happened today, that’s understandable. Just think about it for a while.”
    Angel tried to calm down but couldn’t keep the edge out of her voice. “It’s not about the shooting. I don’t want to get married. I don’t want children, and I don’t want this house.” She walked out and sank onto the front porch step, cradling her head in her hands.
    She heard the door opening and a series of beeps as Brandon set the alarm. She’d hurt him, but she honestly didn’t know what to say. She still couldn’t believe he’d buy a house for them without her input. Granted, it was a beautiful place. And she had been dating him exclusively for the past year. But how dare he assume so much?
    Brandon sat down next to her. “Angel...”
    “Don’t say anything, please. Just take me home.”
    “I don’t want to hear it. I don’t want to know why you did it. I just want to go home.”
    “Okay.” His voice sounded scratchy.
    Angel sighed. Brandon loved her. She knew that. But did she love him? “He’s a good man, Angel ,” Ma had often said. “You could do worse .”
    Well, he could be a prince for all she cared. She just wasn’t ready.
    They didn’t say a word to each other as Brandon drove back to town and into the parking lot of her apartment complex. The members of the press had apparently given up for the night. At least there were none around that she could see.
    Brandon got out and came around to open the car door for her, but she’d already gotten out. When they reached her apartment, he pressed a hand to her shoulder, turning her toward him. “Angel.”
    She reached up to cover his mouth. “Don’t, please. I know you meant well, but... maybe it is the shooting. Maybe.... I don’t know. All I know is that I can’t get married right now. I’m not ready, and I may never be ready. I’m sorry.”
    Brandon avoided her gaze. He didn’t reach for her or kiss her good night as he usually did. But then, why would he? He waited for her to open the door and step inside, then turned and hurried down the stairs and got into his car. Angel waited in the doorway and watched until his taillights disappeared around the corner.
    She could almost hear her mother’s scolding voice. Angel Delaney, what have you done ?

    I t was after 9:00 when Callen got back to his house. Kath and the girls had gone back to Portland hours ago and had left a note on the counter. He rubbed Mutt’s head as he read it.
    Sorry you couldn’t make it

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