Deadly Deals

Deadly Deals by Fern Michaels Page B

Book: Deadly Deals by Fern Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Fern Michaels
Tags: Fiction, Suspense, Romance
closed the door. The two women looked each other over.
    â€œElizabeth Fox. I have an appointment with Mr. Bell.”
    â€œYou’re late,” the dowager said.
    â€œYes, I am, but I’m here now.”
    â€œTake a seat. I’ll see if Mr. Bell is occupied,” the woman sniffed.
    Lizzie sniffed herself but remained standing. “Why would Mr. Bell be busy if he had an appointment with me? I’m only four minutes late.”
    â€œYou’re late. Late is late,” the woman snapped. “Mr. Bell does not like to be kept waiting. He has a hectic schedule.”
    Lizzie Fox did not wait for anyone. “I can leave if that will make you happy,” she said, turning to open the door. She had her finger on the elevator button when she heard her name being called. She turned to see Baron Bell trotting down the hall toward her.
    â€œBaron Bell, Miss Fox. I’m sorry. Please allow me to apologize for my secretary. Sometimes she can be aggressive on my behalf. Please, come back to the office.”
    Lizzie waited a full minute before she gave a slight nod and followed the pudgy attorney back to his office. The secretary glared at her. Lizzie smiled and waved a finger in the woman’s general direction.
    â€œHarriet has been with me forever. Sometimes…never mind. Please, sit down and tell me what brings you here to my office, Miss Fox. I hope it has something to do with my children’s Christmas party at the White House.”
    Lizzie smiled and looked around. The first thing she saw hanging on the back of the office door was a Santa Claus suit. A fluffy, curly white beard and wig hung alongside the bright red suit in a clear plastic bag. She didn’t know how she knew, but she just knew that the suit was custom-made. She could see the quality of the material even from where she was sitting. In the corner a pair of shiny black boots stood at attention. The only thing missing was the sleigh and the eight tiny reindeer. Then again, maybe they were stashed in the man’s private bathroom.
    Lizzie continued with her appraisal of the law office. The office was clean, old, and exceptionally tidy. Everything looked worn but comfortable. The walls were covered with framed photographs of Bell with several presidents and various dignitaries. Lizzie was not impressed. She had twice as many stuffed in cardboard boxes. Lizzie Fox never blew her own horn, preferring to let others do it on her behalf.
    She made a mental note of the old-fashioned safe and where it was located. She pointed to it and said, “So that’s the famous safe I’ve read about.”
    Bell beamed and nodded, but he failed to elaborate. “Coffee, tea, perhaps a soft drink?”
    Lizzie wondered if the battle-ax out front would be the one to fetch the drink or if there was a bar inside this office. She needed time to snap some pictures and could do that only if Bell’s back was toward her. “How much trouble would that be, Mr. Bell?”
    â€œNo trouble at all. I have a minibar there behind you. I like to wait on myself and my clients and not impose too much on Harriet. Having the minibar right here is extremely convenient and less taxing on Harriet. As I said, she can be feisty at times.”
    Lizzie offered up a radiant smile and replied, “Then yes, coffee. Two sugars and light cream.” She was off her chair and within seconds had pictures of everything in the office, including the man’s Christmas gear hanging on the door. Ted Robinson would be so proud of her; she’d even gotten a shot of the floor under Bell’s desk and was on her way to her chair when Baron Bell set a heavy-looking mug down in front of her.
    â€œI do love that safe,” she told him.
    â€œI cannot tell you how many offers I’ve had from people and clients to buy it. It’s probably three times as old as you are, my dear.”
    Lizzie smiled.
    â€œI understand congratulations are in

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