Death Changes Everything

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Book: Death Changes Everything by Linda Crowder Read Free Book Online
Authors: Linda Crowder
heart beat a little faster.
    Emma recognized one of the physicians who referred clients to her. “I have a patient for you. Did you hear about Steven Hill’s murder? His wife found his body, and she’s taking it all very hard. I’ve had to sedate her but you know how I hate to do that for long. She’s agreed to see you. Give me a call if you don’t hear from her and I’ll speak to her again. Thanks.”
    Emma sat back in her chair. With Matt in the hospital, she’d forgotten all about the murder. As a therapist, she should wait for Maddie to call her, but she knew Maddie. In a small town, it was hard to maintain the same distance as she’d had with her clients in California. She hadn’t liked Steven. He’d been self-important and condescending, but she did like Maddie and she wanted to help if she could.
    Billing forgotten, Emma shut down her computer, switched off the lights, and headed for the parking lot. She called Grace to let her know where she was going and flipped through her GPS until she found Steven and Maddie’s address. She and Jake had attended a dinner the couple had hosted in support of a Rotary charity.
    Pulling up in front of the house, she wondered if she was doing the right thing. Her mother had drilled into her that she should never pay a visit without calling first but nobody in Casper would think to call a widow at a time like this. They’d simply go to her, casserole in hand, offering whatever support they could.
    Emma didn’t have a casserole, but someone had been standing at the window and had already seen her pull up so it was too late to turn back. She took a deep breath and plunged ahead. She crossed the porch and rang the bell.
    The woman who’d been at the window answered the door almost before the chime sounded. She bore a strong resemblance to Maddie Hill. If Maddie had not had the benefit of a personal trainer and expert stylist, she would have looked exactly like the woman at the door. She was looking at Emma as though her visit was an imposition. “You’re here to see Madeline.”
    Speechless, Emma nodded and the woman opened stood back for her to enter. “Have a seat. I’ll tell her you’re here. What’s your name?”
    “Emma Rand. I was in Rotary with Steven.”
    The woman shuffled off toward the back of the house. Left standing in the entry, Emma wandered into the sitting room. It was tastefully decorated to showcase Maddie’s collection of antiques. Over the fireplace, family pictures were arranged on the mantle. Steven and Maddie during a vacation on the beach, their son Guy’s college graduation, and their daughter Melody’s wedding. They looked like a happy family.
    “She’s in here.”
    Emma turned as Maddie came into the room, her sister trailing behind her. Emma took Maddie’s hands in hers. “Maddie, I’m so sorry for your loss.”
    “Thank you.” Maddie barely resembled the glittering socialite she was the last time Emma had seen her. There were dark rings under red-rimmed eyes with no attempt to hide it with makeup. Her hair was pulled back in a loose ponytail and her clothes looked as though they’d been slept in.
    Emma gently steered her to the sofa. “Come sit with me, Maddie.”
    “I’ll get coffee.” Maddie’s sister left the room without bothering to ask whether they wanted coffee.
    “My sister, Terrilyn,” offered Maddie as belated introduction. “She’s staying with me until the kids get home.”
    “Does she live nearby?”
    “Your children are both out of state, aren’t they?”
    “Guy is taking pre-med in Cincinnati. I wanted him to go to UW, but you know how kids are. Home is never exciting enough for them. Melody lives in Denver now.” She looked up at the pictures on the mantle and drew a long breath. “She has to wait for Dick to get home.”
    “Where is he?” Emma vaguely remembered that Dick was Melody’s husband. She’d met him briefly at the Hill’s twenty-fifth anniversary party three years

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