Deep Fried Trouble (Eugeena Patterson Mysteries)

Deep Fried Trouble (Eugeena Patterson Mysteries) by Tyora Moody Page A

Book: Deep Fried Trouble (Eugeena Patterson Mysteries) by Tyora Moody Read Free Book Online
Authors: Tyora Moody
mission with Louise, I had to be wary. If she knew what all had transpired in my household since Saturday evening, I would never get her to keep quiet.
    Thirty-five minutes later, after crawling through morning traffic, circling the hospital parking lot, I found a spot.  I cut the engine and stared at the glass and concrete structure. I really didn’t want to walk in the place. Too many memories. Ralph was this beautiful caramel man with a bright countenance, well-known for having a warm bedside manner with his patients. He was a distinguished obstetrician at the Charleston General Women Center. He loved delivering babies and teaching his residents. This same deeply admired man was a complete stranger to me at times.
    Ralph was a good man, who chose to do the right thing, marry a wo man pregnant with his child. That woman being me. There were years I wasn’t sure if he ever really loved me. Funny in the back of his Chevy Impala, he didn’t mind saying the words I needed to hear before I shared my most treasured gift with him. I knew I was head over heels in love with this beautiful man until I started feeling funny.  When I told him I thought I might be pregnant, his response left me a shriveled mess. I grew up with no dad around, but my oldest brother made sure to confront the young Ralph Patterson about what he intended to do. It all happened so fast, me married with a baby. After awhile, I wasn’t so sure I really loved him either.
    I didn’t need to think about the past now. God had a way of tur ning the situation around even after years of what seemed like unanswered prayers. When the first heart attack hit Ralph, it was probably the first time I’d ever truly seen his vulnerable side. It was so ironic the one who held so many young lives in his hands, laid in a hospital bed facing his own immortality.
    The experience humbled both of us. Despite all the pockets of misu nderstandings that drove us to be more like enemies than friends for so long, our last years together were more beautiful than I could ever imagine. It really did pay to stick it out in a marriage and trust God. God is the fuel that keeps the relationship in drive.
    Okay, I needed to find Cedric. I wouldn’t have to do this if my son would respond to his voice mail. I’d only left at least ten messages. I moved my derriere from the car and walked up the path towards the ho spital’s front doors. I smiled at the receptionist.  “How are you, honey? I’m Eugeena Patterson, I’m wondering if you could tell me if Dr. Cedric Patterson is with a patient? His mother is looking for him.”
    “Sure ma’am, let me see if I can locate him for you.”
    I smiled at her. Really smiled. As a mother I felt good asking for my son. The doctor.  Following his dad’s footsteps as an obstetrician. With Junior being a lawyer, my heart swelled with pride over my sons.
    Then, there was Leesa. An invisible needle burst my bubble. There was hope for her. She was only twenty-one.
    “Ma’am, he appears to have several deliveries on the schedule today. Would you like to leave a message?”
    “No, that’s okay.” I rounded the corner and headed toward the elev ators. The gift shop enticed me with its assortment of stuffed animals, some fit with helium balloons. I had thought about volunteering at the hospital after I retired, but now with the neighborhood association on my plate, looks like I will be plenty busy.             
    Plenty busy trying to catch a killer. With all my energy centered on finding Leesa, I could not forget there was an unknown person floating out there that I needed to find to prove my child’s innocence.
    The elevator doors opened and several people stepped off.   I entered with some trepidation. Sometimes riding in the enclosed moving box made me feel like I’d messed around and let somebody trick me into getting on an amusement park ride. I pressed the third floor button. A good cup of coffee from the hospital cafeteria

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