Delectable Desire

Delectable Desire by Farrah Rochon Page A

Book: Delectable Desire by Farrah Rochon Read Free Book Online
Authors: Farrah Rochon
Tags: Romance
plunge inside. Instead, his assault was just as devastatingly tender, which did more to melt her heart than any fiery kiss ever could. His tongue delved in and out of her mouth, gentle, yet insistent, eliciting a moan that tore from her chest.
    Carter emitted a groan of displeasure as he reluctantly ended the kiss, but he didn’t release her. He continued to cradle her in his arms, the streetlamp casting a soft glow across his face, illuminating the hunger in his eyes.
    Gazing up at him, Lorraine whispered, “What is it about you, Carter Drayson?”
    That wicked grin returned. “I thought it was the way I looked in an apron.”
    An instant blush heated her cheeks as she remembered her seductively whispered words from earlier. “You do wear an apron better than any man I know.” She shook her head. “But there has to be something else to explain why I’m falling so hard for you, so fast. It is so uncharacteristic of me.”
    “I know what you mean,” he said. “This is new for me, too.”
    Casting a look of disbelief his way, Lorraine couldn’t help the skepticism that colored her voice. “I don’t know if I can believe that about you.”
    “I’m not saying that I’m a hermit who doesn’t get out and enjoy himself, but it’s never this intense. Or this quick. Do you realize we’ve known each other less than seventy-two hours? Sometimes it takes me longer than that to pick out my clothes for the weekend.”
    An unladylike crack of laughter flew out of her mouth before she could stop it. Lorraine shook her head. “I’m trying to decide if you’re real, Carter.”
    “Hey, you’re the one who didn’t have a last name until today.”
    “It’s just that you seem to have come into my life at just the right time.” She looked up at him. “I really needed someone right now.”
    “Why? What’s going on?” He ran a finger down her cheek. The concern in his voice made her throat tighten with emotion.
    “I’ve...I’ve been feeling a bit...I don’t know...stuck. It seems as if everyone else is moving forward with their lives and I’m being left behind.”
    “Who is everyone?” he asked.
    “Since the beginning of the year, five of my friends have either become engaged or gotten married.”
    “So you’re looking to get married?”
    Lorraine didn’t miss the thread of wary caution in his voice.
    “No!” she said quickly. “My goodness, I’m not on the hunt for a husband, Carter. That isn’t what I meant.” She linked her arms around him and leaned her head against his chest. “You’re going to think I’m a horrible person when I tell you this.”
    “What is it?” he asked, rubbing his palm up and down her back.
    “I’m jealous of my sister.” Lorraine cringed at the words. “I know it’s incredibly selfish of me. Trina has never been happier, and I truly am happy for her. But it has always been the two of us. Now that she’s leaving, I just feel...stuck, as if I’m just going through the motions.”
    She straightened her shoulders and pulled in a deep breath. “Goodness, listen to me. I can only imagine what you must be thinking.”
    “What do you think I’m thinking?” Carter asked.
    “The little millionaire heiress is feeling stuck. Poor, unfortunate thing.”
    “Wrong,” Carter said. “I think what you’re feeling is completely understandable.” He captured her chin between his fingers and she lifted her eyes to meet his. “But it doesn’t have to be this way. You can change if you want to.”
    She shook her head. “You don’t understand, Carter. There’s more to my life than just what I want.”
    “Like what?”
    “Well, the fact that I have responsibilities to my family, for starters. Even though I never asked for them, those responsibilities are still there. As a Hawthorne-Hayes, I’m expected to commit myself to charities and other society functions. Don’t mistake my objections. I love my charity work. I’m grateful to be in a position to help so many other

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