Deliver Me From Evil
my thighs and face.
    I took a quick shower, and I do mean quick. The shower area had water bugs crawling up and down the moldy walls, and roaches sliding across the plastic shower curtain, and the hot water was almost as cold as the cold water. I almost fell when I noticed a used condom in a cracked soap dish on the windowsill.
    After I dried myself off with one of the stiff towels in the bathroom, I slid back into the same clothes that I’d worn the day before and stretched out on the bed.
    I could not relax or get too comfortable, because I had so many disturbing thoughts swimming around in my head. As hard as I tried to focus on the present situation and my future, my past came back to haunt me again.

    I didn’t enjoy having sex with Wade on my thirteenth birthday, even though I had acted like it was the best thing that had ever happened to me. Because I’d already experienced a few orgasms—the first one by mistake, by clutching a pillow between my thighs while lying in bed—I thought I knew what to expect.
    But the first real sex was painful, just like Maria had warned me. “Listen, girl, it’s going to hurt like hell when you lose your cherry. Me, I could barely walk when it happened to me.” I was not surprised when Maria told me she’d had sex for the first time when she was eleven. With her long wavy black hair, a cute round face that was almost as brown as mine, and the body of a woman twice her age, I could see why the boys couldn’t keep their hands off her.
    â€œI’ve done it a dozen times and it still hurts,” added Denise Conners, one of Maria’s friends.
    We were in the bedroom that Maria shared with four of her siblings. I looked toward the door to make sure none of them were eavesdropping before I responded. “Well, if it hurts, why is everybody doing it?” I wanted to know. Despite the tone of the conversation, there was a tingling in my crotch that had become quite familiar since I’d started having these conversations with my friends.
    Maria and Denise looked at each other, then at me. They shrugged their shoulders at the same time. “We do it because everybody else is doing it,” Denise said with a heavy sigh. That was one of the reasons I did it when I did.
    Not only was sex with Wade the first time painful, but it looked downright ridiculous. That was bad enough. But the way that he behaved during the few minutes that it took to get it over with—yelling, making faces, and humping like a mechanical bull—you would have thought that it was painful for him, too.
    After Wade had what I thought was some kind of spasm, the way he started jerking and hollering even louder and slamming into me, he gave me a few sloppy kisses and told me what a good piece of pussy I was.
    My jaw dropped open, and it took me a few moments to compose myself enough to speak again. “What happened?” I asked.
    â€œWhat do you mean by that? Don’t you know?”
    â€œUh, I thought you was, like, dying or having a heart attack or a stroke or something.”
    Wade chuckled and tapped the side of my head. “I came. I got my nut.”
    â€œOh,” I mumbled.
    â€œDidn’t you get yours?” He sounded disappointed.
    â€œUh-huh. I got mine, too. You really know how to do it ….”
    He belched and then let out a loud breath. “I know. That’s why these damn girls won’t leave me the hell alone. They get some good sex, and they just about go crazy. Following me around and shit ….”
    â€œI know what you mean,” I managed. I didn’t have the nerve to tell this boy that I’d had better sex with a pillow than I’d had with him.
    After he let out a few more belches and a couple of farts, he just lay there on top of me, breathing loud through his mouth. His body jerked a few more times. Once Wade returned to his senses, he leapt off the mattress and turned on me like a

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