Diluted Desire
his mouth and blood seeping through his fingers.  “Look what that bitch did to me!” he shouted to Clint and the party went silent. 
    Summer’s eyes widened.  “He wouldn’t let me leave the kitchen.  I was trying to get away honest, it was self-defense.”
    “I believe you,” Clint said, while glaring at Klyde.
    “I want her arrested,” Klyde screeched and Crystal started bawling.  A shaky Summer bent down to comfort her.
    “I don’t think so, you’re the one who’s going to be arrested.”  Clint pulled out his phone and when Klyde realized what he was doing he ran out of the bakery.  “What kind of car does he drive?” Clint asked Summer.  She told him and he relayed the information to the operator.  He hung up.  “I gave them a description of him and his car.  They’ll catch him.”  And he was right, the cops came in fifteen minutes later with a handcuffed Klyde. 
    “Come on in back so that we can get your statement,” one of the cops said to Summer. 
    “Would you like me to come with you?” Clint asked concerned. 
    “No, I’ll be okay, but thanks though,” she smiled gratefully at him and followed the trio to the kitchen.  Thirty minutes later they emerged with Klyde still handcuffed. 
    “Everything okay?” Clint asked after the cops and Klyde left the party.
    “Yeah, they’re going to arrest him.  He admitted to forcibly keeping me in the room.”
    “Let me know if he bothers you again.”
    “I will, but I hope he doesn’t.  I don’t know why he was so crazy over me in the first place.  That man is psycho.”
    “You’re a beautiful lady Summer, you’d make any man go crazy.”
    She rolled her eyes.  “Thanks Clint.  Let me go mingle and look for Yvette, I haven’t seen her yet.  Talk to you later.”
    “That was a nice thing to say,” Clint heard in his ear and he jumped.
    He turned around and found Larkin standing in front of him.  She was dressed as a cheerleader.  “Your pom poms are looking hot,” he whispered.
    She winked at him before leaning down and saying hi to Crystal.  “You make a beautiful Princess Tiana.”
    “Thank you,” she said groggily.
    “I think somebody’s tired.  I’ll be right back, I’m going to put her down in my office.  I have a sofa bed.”
    “That’s good to know,” Larkin drawled.
    “I’ll be right back,” Clint said and carried his daughter to his office.
    Violet watched Clint’s and Larkin’s exchange, jealously flashed through her.  Dressed up as Frankenstein she felt safe that no one would recognize her.  She didn’t tell Clint that she was attending the party.  She didn’t like dressing up for Halloween, but she wanted to see if Larkin was going to show up. 
    Violet went to the makeshift bar and ordered a wine spritzer.  Several people asked her to dance but she waved them away, she wanted to keep her eyes on Larkin and Clint.  She hit pay dirt when Clint returned and whispered something into Larkin’s ear, she saw them slip off to the kitchen. 
    She waited five minutes before she followed.  She had a feeling that Crystal was sleeping on the sofa bed in his office, so whatever they were doing was taking place in the kitchen. 
    Violet pushed open the door, she didn’t see anything.  Pursing her lips, she slipped inside, letting the door close soundlessly behind her.  Violet tiptoed across the kitchen until she heard muffled voices.  She proceeded with caution, that’s when she saw them.  Larkin with her short skirt bunched up around her waist and bent over a chair, and Clint with his pants around his ankles fucking her doggie style. So caught up in the throes of passion neither one heard her gasp of shock.  Violet backed out of the kitchen and into the party.  She got another drink, something stronger this time, and with a shaking hand she slung it back. The pictures of her husband screwing another lady didn’t do justice to actually seeing it with her own eyes. “Is this what I

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